Expat Newsletter February 2021 : Latest News with our Expat Network

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Expat News

Expat Newsletter February 2021

Latest News in our Expat Network


Last day of February and this month has been dominated again by news about COVID. Several countries such as New Zealand (Auckland) and France (several areas) are going into lockdown, and many others worry about the impact of new COVID variants, spreading much faster and putting their medical system at risk. At the same time, other countries, more advanced in the vaccination process, are already communicating their plans to ease the restrictions: in the UK for example, June 21st should see all legal limits on social contacts to go.

In our magazine, we dedicated several articles to the coronavirus pandemic such as Can you be a digital nomad during the pandemic? and What protection of remote workers during the pandemic?

Another concern for many expats living in Europe has been the immediate effect of Brexit, as the UK has definitely separated from the European Union on January 1st. You will find more information on  new rules for working in the UK, but also information on how pensions work after Brexit, and UK Pensioners in Europe post Brexit.

Share your experience and participate to our blogger interviews

Don't forget that we publish regularly expat interviews. You can register your personal expat blog on BlogExpat.com and drop us an email so we can arrange for an interview and you can feature in the magazine :-)

Don't forget that we publish regularly expat interviews. You can register your personal expat blog on BlogExpat.com and drop us an email so we can arrange for an interview and you can feature in the magazine :-)

Have a look at the recent interviews HERE (we publish them also on our social media).

And don't forget to share advice and information on the forums.

Become a Networker

We are still looking for volunteer members who are able to post information and animate our communities. If you have some knowledge of expatriation, living abroad, and/or experience in moving overseas, your involvement would be greatly appreciated.

Come and join Edward Weiner from Boston (US), madridchika from Marbella (Spain), Lénou in Italy and others...

If you are interested by the role, feel free to contact us with a private message or directly in this thread.

Last but not least, this month again you should have a look at the sponsor of this Newsletter

TaxSamaritan provides a FREE expat tax guide, explaining the requirements of the US tax system for those Americans living abroad. We have covered some of the issues created by the complicated tax system applicable to US expat (FATCA...etc) and you may also refer to our previous article detailing the nightmare created by the 2010 tax reform.

Is the new Biden administration going to reform the burden currently generated? We will see, but in the meantime, TaxSamaritan is helping with the process.


And of course, keep safe, respect the social distancing and wear masks when necessary.

PS: If you have a personal expat blog, don't forget to register in our worldwide directory of expat blogs.

Tax Samaritan: Get the FREE Expat Tax Guide

Learn how U.S. taxpayers abroad can save on their taxes and keep the IRS & state tax authorities happy.


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