Agricultural activity in Cameroon

Agricultural activity

Location: Cameroon

Sector: Agronomy, Fruit picking, etc

Job search (short statement...):
I am an agricultural technician(agronomy) and wish to apply for the farm job

I have been working with several private and public farms for about 3 years today taking care of both crops and animals from sowing to harvest and also animals such as pigs and table birds.

I am a holder of a bachelors degree of technology in agriculture and my specialty is crop production technology and have gone through other trainings other both in crop and animals so as to gain more field experience.

I speak English and French languages well and can also write in both.

CV attached: CV_8807
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Posted by:
Ngando Yannick Mandengue


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 Agronomy, Fruit picking, etc

Ngando Yannick Mandengue
Agricultural activity

I am an agricultural technician(agronomy) and wish to apply for the farm job (...)

Agronomy, Fruit picking, etc: Cameroon
Pour un poste de travail ou de bénévolat

Etant une personne aventureuse, disciplinée, passionnée par les voyages et la découverte ; j’aimerais (...)

Agronomy, Fruit picking, etc: Cameroon
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