Trener tenisa - bangkok

 Nauczanie w Bangkok

Trener tenisa - bangkok

- Opanuj swój tenis -
- z Javierem -
- Profesjonalny trener tenisa –
Certyfikowany przez AAT - Argentyński Związek Tenisowy–

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Tennis Coach - Bangkok

- Master your Tennis -
- with Javier -
- Tennis Professional Coach –
- Certified bY AAT - Argentina Tennis Association–

Extensive International tennis coaching and tournament competition experience , in USA, Europe, Australia, Singapore, now Bangkok,

Improve your tennis technique following biomechanics science, respecting the natural body movements, applied to tennis, preventing from injuries, and at the same time to be more efficient on every movement, maximising the reaction times, speed, more accurate shots, improving your overall game.

The physics laws principles and mechanics on tennis didn’t change, but the racquets technology evolution makes the game faster,
so the efficiency of the movements, reaction times, and proper techniques for every shot are keys for top performance, to adjust to the actual game, faster than ever before.

With the most valuable information after their studies provided by two pioneers on tennis physics, and the constant research and updates in sport science, Professor of physics at the University of Pennsylvania Dr. Howard Brody, The foremost scientist of tennis, former ITF and USTA science advisor,
and Vic Braden, Master in Psychology and Tennis Coach, together they develop ” Science and Myths of Tennis”,
which I will expose to you to give you a complete understanding of the physics of tennis, making sure your tennis is moving in the right direction.

– Private Lessons , Groups, all levels. –
– Condominiums, Hotels ,Clubs, Resorts Asia. –

Cena : 40 USD

Lokalizacja: w Bangkok

Telefon : +66-624683771

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Tennis Coach - Bangkok
Trener Tenisa - Bangkok
- Opanuj swój tenis - - z Javierem - - Profesjonalny trener tenisa – Certyfikowany przez AAT - (...)
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