Hello Everyone ! I'm glad to see there is such forums for expat people. I have been an expat myself and I know how hard it can be to live in a foreign country with a foreign language ... Espacially French ! ;-) For whatever purpose you are in Geneva, I wish you to enjoy this wonderfull city and find the good places to go !! If you want some good idea to go to good restaurants, bar or other kind of places you can contact me on pm or by email at max.amram@gmail.com I know by experience how hard it can be to understand a foreign system for insurance, fiscality, banking, etc... I am an Insurance advisor and I speak English which is not often. If you need help to understand how to apply an health insurance, car insurance, home insurance, professionnal insurance or life insurance dont hesitate to ask me questions by email or call me on 078 665 04 55 if you want to make an appointement to get help in english. In the midtime, enjoy the last few days of warm and sunny weather because winter is cold here for people that just arrived =). Regards, Maxime Amram