How to find a General Practitioner, doctor, physician in Luxembourg


Medical care in Luxembourg is on par with the best in the world. It is primarily provided by the state and covers every citizen. All employed citizens and employees contribute to this system by taxes paid out of their paycheck.

General Practitioner/Doctor

Most doctors are excellent and able communicate in several languages including English. Some Westerners may be surprised at their generally brusque manner, but you should be able to trust your physician.

All medical fees are set by the state Caisse de Maladie and all doctors must charge the same amount. The patient is responsible for paying the doctor directly and is later reimbursed by your insurance company.

Different doctors hold different office hours and have different procedures so be sure to find someone who meets your needs. They may only take appointments (rendezvous) or "walk-ins" or a combination of the two. Many doctors will make house calls.

You should be able to make an appointment with your GP and be seen the same day. A specialist can be much more difficult, taking several days or weeks to get in. It is common to ask friends and neighbours for referrals.

There are many skilled General Practitioners but here is a list of several known to the English-speaking community:

Dr Daman, Dr Jentges, Dr Koppes, Dr Mart, Dr Mantz
Telephone: 45 83 93
Address: Medical Centre Belair
29 rue Alphonse Munchen
L-2172 Luxembourg

Dr Serge Delvigne
Telephone: 31 16 53
Address: 3 beim Schlass
L-8058 Bertrange

Dr Alexandre Krieps
Telephone: 49 27 92
Address: 55 av. de la Liberte
L-1931 Luxembourg

Dr Nathalie Smets
Telephone: 31 16 53
Address: 3 beim Schlass,
L-8058 Bertrange


Dr Ingrid Rollinger-Holzinger (specialist internal medicine)
Telephone: 46 44 66
Address: 36 rue de l'Avenir
L-1147 Luxembourg

Dr Jean Beissel (Cardiology)
Telephone: 4411-2221
Address: Centre Hospitalier
L-1210 Luxembourg

Dr Jacques Arendt (Infertility Specialist)
Telephone: 4411-3230/3208
Address: Maternite, Centre Hospitalier
L-1210 Luxembourg

Dr Claude Borsi (Gynecologist)
Telephone: 45 46 30 -1
Address: 45-47 rue des Aubepines
L-1145 Luxembourg

Centre de Pediatrie du Val Ste. Croix (Pediatrics)
Telephone: 44 80 70

Deborah Klein (Psychiatrist)
Telephone: 58 93 21
Address: 30 rue du Parc Gerlache
L-4574 Differdange

Consulates and embassies can offer further recommendations.


Dentists, known as dentistes, are easily found and many speak English.

Most dentists are paid directly, with a request for and your receipt for reimbursement submitted afterward. Major dental work (crowns and bridges) require pre-approval. Your dentist will need to submit a proposal to the insurance company or national health service before the work is done.

Dr Germain Becker & Associates

Update 1/03/2011


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english speaking dentist in Luxembourg
Today I finally found a nice and english speaking dentist. His name is Jan Smejkal and he is located in Luxembourg Merl. Recommended!

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