How to look for work in Budapest


In Hungary, most foreign workers must obtain a work visa to work in Hungary. Since the economy has an 11% unemployment rate, Hungary prefers to fill jobs with citizens.

However, there is still a job market open for foreigners. Many international companies have branches in Hungary. The most popular job for expats is teaching English. IT, software engineering, power generation, environmental reclamation, marketing and advertising, computer graphics, technical writing (in English); and any field in technology are also popular industries for foreigners to work in.

The best way to find a job in Hungary is to network with people. Send out resumes and cover letters to businesses that do work overseas. Arrange to meet with an individual who has done work in Hungary or has connections overseas. Another tip is to see if businesses based in your home country has a sister company or branch in Hungary.

Hungarian employers usually prefer a CV, but international companies may accept a US-style resume. For further information read our article, "CV versus Résumé?".


The CV should contain:

  • Contact Information: Relevant personal contact information at the top of the page including: name, phone number, fax number, address, and email address.
  • Professional Experience: Usually this information is listed chronologically. List your work experience with: your title
  • the name of the company you worked for, the dates of your employment, and a brief description of your achievements in that job
  • Education: This section should come before work experience if you are in school or have been out of school for one to three years, depending on your level of work experience and how relevant your education is to your career.
  • Certificates & Diplomas: Courses, seminars, congresses or conferences that are relevant in relation to the position. Note if you received any special honors.
  • Languages: This is extremely relevant to an international job. List which languages you speak and your level: advanced, intermediate or beginner. Point out if you can translate, speak, or write in each language and list any associated degrees. If you are submitting your resume in English and it is not your first language, be sure to have a native speaker read it first. Punctuation and grammar are extremely important.
  • Computer Skills: Programs, applications, word processing, database, Internet experience, etc.
  • Interests: You may include personal interests such as hobbies, sports, activities.

Tips on Creating a CV for Hungary

  • Style should be straightforward. Use standard paper and a simple font.
  • Print original copies on high quality paper - don't send photocopies.
  • Be neat. Take care with the presentation, design, spaces, and spelling of your resume. Don't use abbreviations. Emphasize sections and things that are important with underlines or bold type.
  • Make sure your CV is as organized as possible, so the information can be found easily.
  • You do not need to date or sign your resume.
  • Have a base CV that you can adjust to each job you are applying for.

Job Search in Budapest

Get connected online and perform a lot of research to help find the job you are looking for.

Search Engines


As part of the EU, job seekers can access the European job mobility portal EURES. This resource provides information about job vacancies and the labor market. It also provides information on the living and working conditions, and a CV posting service.


EURAXESS is an international initiative that supports European and non-European researchers hoping to find research careers in Europe. Available research positions are posted online.


Expat and social forums are another resource for job seekers. Easy Expat's Hungary forums are a great resource. Search by industry and browse the latest jobs.


Several papers have a helpful classified's section. There are job offers for executives and professionals, as well as sections dedicated to specific professions, like teaching, computers, and media.

These include:

Recruitment Agencies

Most agencies specialize in a particular field, such as computers, nursing, secretarial work, accounting, catering, or construction. There are also head hunting agencies that are hired by large companies to recruit executives, managers or professionals.

To find an appropriate agency, look for "employment agencies" in the yellow pages or go to a directory of agencies.

Career Fairs

Career fairs are an excellent way to find out about available jobs and opportunities. There are usually a large variety of employers you can visit in one day and apply. Entrance is usually free, but registering online might be encouraged. Bring your resume and dress to impress, as there may be interviews on the spot.

You can also try going to career fairs in your home country that specialize in jobs abroad.


One of the best ways of finding a job abroad is networking. Talk to friends, family, and business contacts to see if they have connections in the area you would like to work.

Expat events can also be a great way to find out how other expats found work and see if their company has any openings. Use social media such as Facebook, Twitter, or Linkedln or expat forums.

Teaching English in Hungary

English teachings job are very common in Hungary and are readily available. English-speaking expats are in high demand for teaching English. Language schools usually require applicants to have TEFL course certificates and a college degree. You must have adequate visa clearance and registration. Most schools will supply you the intent to employ so you can secure a visa.

It is also an option to give private lessons. These are usually more profitable per hour, but require a lot more work finding customers. The best way to get private students is to post advertisements in business newspapers, on bulletin boards, or offer your resume on job sites.


Interviews are a chance for a company to get to know you before hiring you. Research the company before the interview to discover their missions and direction. It is not uncommon for there to be a series of interviews, with the first lasting 30-60 min, and further meetings possibly taking an entire day.

  • Dress neatly and conservatively.
  • Arrive on time.
  • Bring your CV, business card, and copies of the certificates.
  • Ask questions. Demonstrate your knowledge and interest.
  • Thank the interviewer for their time.

Temporary Agencies

If you are in need of short-term work of any kind, there are agencies that will find you employment with another company. Jobs may consist of office work, babysitting, gardening, security or any other types of work. They will try to fit with occupations that fit your skill set. As an added bonus, sometimes short-term work can lead to longer contract.

Work Visas & Permits

Expats looking for work in Hungary must obtain a work visa or permit depending on how long their stay is.

Refer to "Passport & Visa" section of the guide for full details.

Update 24/04/2020


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