NelsonKJ: business analyst in any of the European (Schengen) countries i België

NelsonKJ: business analyst in any of the European (Schengen) countries

Locatie: België

Sector: IT Banen: Programer, Analist, etc

Zoeken naar werk (korte beschrijving):
Hi, I am looking for a job as a business analyst in any of the European(Schengen) countries like Netherlands, Sweden, Luxembourg, Belgium. Would really appreciate any connections or leads. Thanks.

Ervaring :
I have over 11 years of experience as a business analyst across diverse domains including banking, insurance, supply chain, and retail. Throughout my professional journey, I have taken the lead in orchestrating the development of multiple websites/apps. Additionally, I have successfully deployed robotic process automation in specific business processes, to improve operational efficiency. Also, I would like to mention that I started my career as a data analyst, and I understand slicing/dicing of data, reports, and dashboards.

During my MBA program, I ventured into entrepreneurship. I co-founded an aggregator website focusing on grooming, wellness, and fitness centers.

I am an agile champion. My daily tasks involve working on epics; creating and prioritizing user stories, addressing Dev/QA queries, and collaborating with the product owner for new features.

MBA, B.Tech


Bijgevoegd CV: CV_8839
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Geplaatst door:
Nelson KJ


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 IT Banen: Programer, Analist, etc

Nelson KJ
NelsonKJ: business analyst in any of the European (Schengen) countries

Hi, I am looking for a job as a business analyst in any of the European(Schengen) countries like Netherlands, (...)

IT Banen: Programer, Analist, etc: België
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