Expat FAQ

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What is an EEA3 for the UK Home Office?

EEA3- Permanent Residence (EEA or Swiss national)

An EEA3 allows for permanent residence by EEA or Swiss nationals. There is no legal requirement for EEA or Swiss nationals to obtain a document certifying residence. This is a voluntary process. Family members may also be included in applications if they are EEA or Swiss nationals. Applicants must be in the UK to apply.

Applicants must have lived in the UK for a continuous period of 5 years before applying. Applicants must have been employed, self-employed, studying or self-sufficient for that 5 year period. To be considered continuous, applicants should not be absent from the UK for more than 6 months each year. However, longer absences for compulsory military service will not affect residence. Additionally, a single absence of up to 12 months for important reasons such as pregnancy, childbirth, serious illness, study, vocational training or posting overseas will not affect your residence.

Necessary documents must be originals. Any documents which are not in English must be accompanied by a reliable English translation.

    Applications must include:
  • Valid passport or ID card
  • Two identical passport-size photographs of yourself with your full name written on the back of each one. If a family member is applying with you, they must also include two identical passport-size photographs
  • Supporting documents of employment; letter(s) from your employer(s) confirming your employment, P60s and most recent wage slips.
  • Supporting documents of self-employment; an accountant's letter, Inland Revenue self - assessment forms, invoices/receipts, payment of tax and national insurance contributions, lease on business premises or Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) card
  • Supporting documents of study; letter(s) from school(s)/college(s)/university(ies) confirming details of course(s), and evidence of Comprehensive Sickness Insurance and evidence of funds eg bank statements or similar documentary evidence
  • Supporting documents of economical self-sufficiency; a bank statement or similar document showing funds available to you or to a family member, or a document confirming a family member's employment, and evidence of comprehensive sickness insurance for you and your family members.
  • Supporting documents of retirement; evidence of the receipt of a pension
  • Supporting documents of permanent incapacitation; doctor's letter or medical report confirming permanent incapacity, having previously been in employment or self-employment

If the application is successful, a document will be issued confirming permanent residence. There is no expiry date.

EEA3 Application


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