Expat FAQ

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What are the formalities before going abroad?

This article was translated by an automatic system, ie without any human intervention. EasyExpat.com offers such items in addition to those made by translators. [powered by ]
Original version hereFrançais

When you decide to live abroad, you usually need to be informed of changes in taxation. In France, you must complete an interim and anticipated income from your Centr e Tax. The tax is payable immediately and sets.

[If you keep an address in your country of origin, it is sometimes possible to pay the tax due at term.]

In banking it is quite possible to keep your account in France (you open another in the host country, which is more convenient). However, for certain investments (such as PEA) it is necessary to prevent her from your banker Dem norms will to respect the legal process (and thereby you can make your change of address).

In theory it should also notify his agency of Social Security, but you can also wait maturity of your rights at year end.

For countries outside the European Union it will of course also make sure you have the necessary visa and a social welfare adequacy

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