Dyrektor ds. badań i programów

Pozostałe Prace w Nigeria

Dyrektor ds. badań i programów

Podsumowanie pracy:

Dyrektor ds. badań i programów nadzoruje kierunek i działania programu Welcome2Africa International oraz rozwój biznesu we wszystkich projektach i programach.

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Oryginalna wersja tutajEnglish

Director, Research & Programs

Job Summary:

The Director, Research & Programs oversees the direction and activities of Welcome2Africa International’s program and business development across all projects and departments. Welcome2Africa International is seeking a motivated individual with excellent analytical, problem-solving and decision-making skills to fill the position of Director, Research & Programs. Reporting directly to the CEO and working collaboratively with all members of the Programs and Research departments, the Director will ensure the strategic planning and day-to-day operations of the business, including leading, managing, and holding the leadership team accountable for achieving agreed-upon commitments while also managing relationships with external contractors and stakeholders. This individual must be able to interact with staff at all levels in a fast-paced environment, while remaining flexible, proactive, resourceful, and efficient.

Job Description:
Strategic Planning and Thought Leadership
• Steward and build upon the overall Research Program Vision and strategy with a goal to ensure Welcome2Africa remains an internationally recognized institute providing independent thought leadership and results to achieve our mission
• Improve W2A’s work to serve as a thought leader in the national dialogue related to W2A’s mission including
• Overseeing the writing and publishing of thought leadership pieces and other relevant content
• Presenting at relevant meeting, summits and conferences
• Informing and participating in relevant national, regional and other collaborative efforts
• Facilitate cross-departmental collaboration and strengthen internal communications with staff throughout the organization. Filter ideas and translate them into functional plans for the company
• Ensure technical support and management of W2A including;
• Ensuring all W2A’s projects align with W2A’s research program priorities, guidelines and criteria.

Firma: Welcome2Africa International (W2A)

Lokalizacja: w Nigeria

Rodzaj Pracy: Stała

Umieszczone przez:
W2A International


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W2A International
Dyrektor Ds. Badań I Programów

Podsumowanie pracy: Dyrektor ds. badań i programów nadzoruje kierunek i działania programu Welcome2Africa (...)

Pozostałe Prace: Nigeria
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