Casa in vendita a piarco trinidad

 Case in Vendita in Trinidad e Tobago

Casa in vendita a piarco trinidad

TT$3.2M Neg Questa nuovissima proprietà a due piani dal design elegante è convenientemente situata su oltre 5200 piedi quadrati di terreno in un tranquillo complesso residenziale recintato a Piarco Trinidad. Con quattro camere da letto e...

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House for Sale in Piarco Trinidad

TT$3.2M Neg This elegantly designed Brand New Two Storey property is conveniently located on over 5200 sq ft of land in a quiet residential gated compound in Piarco Trinidad. With four bedrooms & five baths, the entire house is air-conditioned, tiled, and possess gypsum ceiling throughout. The 1st floor has a welcoming open living and sitting layout (also contains an outdoor patio); the kitchen provides a modern gourmet setting with ample built in cabinets and there is an indoor enclosed laundry area; additional storage is available under the staircase; The 2nd floor has four charming BRs, each are ensuite and contains built in closets. This property features an inviting pool and an outdoor kitchenette ideal for entertaining / relaxation within the refreshing landscaped ambiance. It is remote gated; has a motorized covered garage for two vehicles (additional space for more) & sufficient water storage is available. It’s easily accessible within close proxy to the Airport, highway/main road / all amenities and is an ideal investment.

Prezzo : 471976 USD

Just For You Property Consultants
No 70 Old SMR Chaguanas Trinidad & Tobago

Località : in Trinidad e Tobago

Telefono : +18687485471

Inviato da:
Cindy R Singh


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