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✎ EN Why was down from the 15th Nov to this evening

Discussion dans 'Websites, Help' démarrée par EasyExpat, 19 Novembre 2007.

  1. EasyExpat

    EasyExpat Administrator
    Membre de l'équipe

    Inscrit depuis le :
    10 Février 2003
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    Britanique (GB)
    English, Français
    Unfortunately was not available from Thursday 15th Nov 2007 to this evening 19th Nov. We apologise for this inconvenience.

    All started with a DNS transfer that was requested 10 days ago. 2 weeks ago we were threaten to make the domain name unavailable by our registrar,, which received a complaint of the removal company AGS for a message on the forum displaying:
    We had no choice but to amend the messages and give an explanation here:

    or to have the risk to be cut down without being able to discuss the issue (we were not able to contact our registrar at all - phone and emails unanswered).

    In order to avoid such issues in the future (for anyone reading hotel reviews on tripadvisor they would find the words quite mild :D , those criticism of AGS service as terrible in a specific case are just showing that people can be unfortunate, in the same discussion other clients where luckier) we have decided to move for another registrar and chose: based in Luxembourg (enough with France!)

    But the registrar they are using to manage the domain names and transfers has just been bought by another company and we were just unfortunate as instead of taking 5 minutes our transfer took 5 days :( I contacted directly by phone their team today and I must say that they have quickly tried to fix the problem as soon as I explained the issue.

    We hope that things will go fine now and we will do our best to insure a good service with EasyExpat. 8)
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