Forum Ukraine

Forum of expats in Ukraine: Ask questions and participate to discussions concerning expatriation.

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☛ EN Advice Retirement in Ukraine

Discussion in 'Ukraine' started by EasyExpat, Sep 26, 2018.

  1. EasyExpat

    EasyExpat Administrator
    Staff Member

    Feb 10, 2003
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    Living In:
    United Kingdom
    British (GB)
    English, Français
    Hello everyone,

    Retiring outside your home country in good conditions is not a privilege for the better off.

    If you stopped working and chose to retire in Ukraine, what advice would you give to future expats who would be tempted to do the same?

    Have you chosen to fully (or mainly) enjoy your retirement in Ukraine, or on the contrary go there only part of the year?

    Have you decided to settle in Ukraine for tax reasons or to enjoy advantageous living conditions, the climate, or for family reasons?

    What are the specific formalities to retire in Ukraine? Is the health system satisfactory or do you have specific medical coverage?

    Thank you in advance for sharing your experience and advice. :cool::thumbup:
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