[en] As we have just changed the design of EasyExpat, you will find bellow some print screen of the previous versions. [fr] Comme nous venons de changer la charte graphique d'EasyExpat, vous trouverez ci-dessous une impression d'écran des versions précédentes. 2001 - EasyExpat was called EasyAbroad 2002 - Just before to become EasyExpat 2002-2007 2007-2009 2009-
It's a very good idea to show this historical view of the site's template. One can see the increase of width which happened in 2007, courtesy of the ever-growing monitors. And perhaps you could also mention the celebration of the 100 visitors/day mark
After 15 years we have now migrated to a completely new forum system, using the most advanced Xenforo tool (more details about our painful migration are here). By the way, this is our third forum system as we started with Phorum up to 2003 (?? as far as we remember... ), the first open source forum software, then moved to PhpBB until... 10 days ago. In order to keep some memories of the old look and feel, I am updating the thread and posting here a few screen shots from what was still our forum in March 2018 . --------------- --------------- ---------------
A little update as we eventually definitely abandoned the 3 columns layout and move all the websites to 2 columns minimum with a refresh design. All expats blogs that we managed have been merged into the new magazine section hosted on EasyExpat.com. Below are a few screenshots: EasyExpat.com up to July 2020 EasyExpat.com from August 2020
As of 2020, our series of expat websites have been moved to a new structure, based in the UK. The BranddotExpat is a brand name to cover the activity of editing and managing a series of websites with world-based contents. dotExpat and all the associated websites belong to Habilis Digital Ltd. The CompanyHabilis Digital Ltd was set up as a web agency to support and expand a series of international websites and provide web expertise on digital projects. Habilis Digital Ltd is a privately-owned company with offices in London. To know more about the company click HERE.