Director of videography, Video Editor en Malawi

Director of videography, Video Editor

Mr Shaibu MBWANA

Teléfono: +265999230516

P.O. Box 795, Lilongwe - Malawi

Localidad: Malawi

Sector: Ventas, Marketing, Medios de comunicación

Búsqueda de trabajo (breve descripción):
Looking for a good company to work with to expand my talents. 10 years experience in film industry and video editing.

10 years experience in video editing and shooting, videographer, video colorist

Bachelors in Agriculture and Horticulture at University of Malawi

English and Chichewa

CV adjunto: CV_8812
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 Ventas, Marketing, Medios de comunicación

Director of videography, Video Editor

Looking for a good company to work with to expand my talents. 10 years experience in film industry and video (...)

Ventas, Marketing, Medios de comunicación: Malawi
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