Morgane Vincent, Clinical Psychologist en EE.UU.

Morgane Vincent, Clinical Psychologist

Localidad: EE.UU.

Sector: Medicina, Trabajo socíal

Búsqueda de trabajo (breve descripción):
Looking for a clinical psychologist job abroad after spending the last 10 years in the USA.

I have experience with children, families and adults. I have worked in schools, community mental health care clinics as well as hospitals. I have worked with a variety of populations and disorders including with substance use disorders, sever mental illnesses, refugeeism and gender based violence.

I use a variety of different approaches to care including, CBT, TF-CBT, DBT but also strongly believe in a mixture of interpersonal care with support of evidence based care to ensure my patients access the best of care.

I currently hold a doctorate in clinical psychology (PhD.).

I speak English, French and American Sign Language fluently. I am currently working on learning Spanish.

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Morgane Vincent


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 Medicina, Trabajo socíal

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Medicina, Trabajo socíal: EE.UU.
Morgane Vincent
Morgane Vincent, Clinical Psychologist

Looking for a clinical psychologist job abroad after spending the last 10 years in the USA. (...)

Medicina, Trabajo socíal: EE.UU.
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