Expat Twitter Round-Up: 23rd July 2012

Published 2012-07-23 10:51:30
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Twitter bird on globe Expats are a worldly crew, generally knowledgeable about the world around them from everyday happenings to major international news. We decided to collect some of the top tweets of the week for expats, travelers, and those interested in the global pulse.

Expat News

8 of the world's happiest places, including #Denmark and #Mexico http://on.natgeo.com/Q0Yev0

Kiss or shake hands? Part 1: My 5 golden rules about greeting in France http://su.pr/2ByV3C #expat #france

Sophie Pitman on the 10 things she wishes she'd known about getting a US student visa... http://fb.me/1EHs13gYE

These 5 overseas communities make it remarkably easy for retirees to stretch their dollars. http://on-msn.com/ODrVgK #expat #retirement

New Blog Post: Room 101 Spain: Bored Expats http://bit.ly/SOileV #expat, #spain

Expat @awindram doesn't get America's #fireworks booths - his latest conundrum: http://awe.sm/l17RV #NewPost #expat #expatriate

#Expat new to the UK & having weather-shock? Needing sunshine? Get the Skinny on having a guilt free holiday! http://t.co/JW9i8fyR #UK #LDN

Living in #Jordan - An expat's journey: http://t.co/XDnVCHfs

How living in Paraguay taught one expat to get creative with her trash: http://bit.ly/Ltkqw7

Why French kids eat EVERYTHING http://huff.to/PSru7h

Tweets from our Featured Bloggers

Expat in England
Olympian effort at buying Olympic tickets http://goo.gl/fb/JXqEk

Expat in Madrid, Spain
Spanish Vs American Schools: 5 Big Differences http://nblo.gs/zVezR

Expat in transition in South America
Building #memories through #photography: three #generations honoring #multiculturalism. http://t.co/TEIA9epP

Expat in São Paulo, Brazil
Take a break from the England bowling attack getting hammered & take a peak at: Beginner's guide to cricket in Brazil http://bit.ly/NFRo9P

Expat in Ontario, Canada
Almost 800 visitors to the blog today says you people were curious about Ramadan! http://wp.me/p1J9Lk-1rX Everything you wanted to know but ...

Expat in Sardegna, Italy
A look inside my home. http://fb.me/1NXuOp1HA

Expat in Capestang, France
Our first #French #Wedding http://www.thatshamori.com/our-friends-french-wedding/

Expat in Berlin, Germany
My official hipster guide to Berlin http://buff.ly/L6exWu #berlin #hipster

Expat in NYC, USA
Heat Wave Blues http://wp.me/pav9D-11f

Future Expats transitioning to Croatia
All things Croatian Part 1 - http://shar.es/tIZj6 #Croatia #expat #Zadar #blog

Expat in Paris, France
The magic of six months http://t.co/rFGm10AU #expat #travel

Expat in San Francisco, USA
This is how a heart breaks. Expat parenting http://t.co/nnIh30RA #expat #expats # trailingspouse #TCK #CCK

Expat in Malaga, Spain
¿Qué Pasa España? What do you think about the new residency requirements? http://bit.ly/LwKfeN #spain

Expat in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Blogged: How to relax as the locals do in #Iceland http://www.currystrumpet.com/2012/07/hot-pot-iceland-style.html

Expats in Spain
What not to do when moving to Spain.... http://t.co/od1zr5s2 #spain #travel #expat #tbex #travel #europe

Expat in Panama
New comment: OTC Pharmacy...in Panama http://t.co/3H3DiwhM #Panama #Expat

World Traveler
Expat life : the good, the bad and the ugly - http://t.co/jwhGYAtQ #expat #travel #experience

Expat in Qatar
Repatriation? Are your kids ready for it? http://fb.me/1E1v1CwfM


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Expat tweets

Author: texkourgan
Part of the EasyExpat.com adventure since 2008. Drink, Travel, Write

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