Mr Willie BOSSIE JR Telephone: +18138949566 6310 Havensport Dr - United States Location: United States
Sector: Other jobs
Job search (short statement...): Senior Buyer/Purchasing Agent/Logistics Specialist/Senior Logistics Analyst
Experience: A motivated Logistics/Purchasing Professional with 28+ years of logistics and purchasing and procurement experience and a solid background in defense procurement. Comprehensive knowledge of large scale purchasing methods, procedures, and contracts research methods and techniques. Strongly organized, self-motivated and goal-oriented. Excellent ability to adapt well to new environments, to maintain an active awareness of best practices within the procurement industry and enjoy challenges to make a positive contribution to future goals and success of a company.
Education: Associates of Arts, Acquisition and Contract Management
Strayer University, Washington D.C.
Languages: English CV attached: CV_8866 Attachment might contain virus. is not responsible for the content of the file. Posted by: Willie Bossie Jr 08/03/2024