Markus Millsap - Sales Leadership position in the United States

Markus Millsap - Sales Leadership position


Telephone: 8015098243

6039 Sanford Dr - United States

Location: United States

Sector: Sales, Retail, Telesales

Job search (short statement...):
Looking for a Permanent Sales Leadership position

Foursight Capital, Dealer Relationship Manager - 03/2023-Present
-Prospect new Dealership Partners
-Discuss and close partnerships with new Dealers
-Maintain account portfolio and expectations
-Solve funding delays and required information issues
-Train and educate dealer partners on Financing Program

Snap Finance, Regional Sales Manager - 02/2014-01/2023
-Obtain new merchant partners to offer Financing in store
-Maintain 75+ Accounts (20M$+ in Volume) and continue to add more
-Build rapport and long term Financial relationships with merchants
-Maintain Prime position of product offering to merchant customers
-Have held Collections Team Lead, Collections Supervisor, Inside Area Sales Manager, Field Area Sales Manager, and Inside Client Sales Manager roles at Snap.

Masters Degree of Science
World History Major
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

English, German, Spanish


CV attached: CV_8829
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Markus Millsap


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 Sales, Retail, Telesales

Markus Millsap
Markus Millsap - Sales Leadership position

Looking for a Permanent Sales Leadership position (...)

Sales, Retail, Telesales: United States
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