Language courses in Budapest


Language courses are offered all throughout Budapest. There are language schools as well as private lessons available. The languages offered usually include Hungarian, German, English, and Spanish. For learning these languages, the best way is to be taught by a native speaker.


Private Lessons

Private language lessons are quite common in Hungary. It is best to receive private lessons since it is affordable and usually the teacher can come to you. Most of the time the teacher is of the native tongue of your language of interest. You can find a list of teachers from newsletters, online forums, and word of mouth with the expat community.

Language Exchange

An exchange partner is an excellent resource for practising a new language with a native speaker. As an added bonus, language exchange partners can help you understand the culture of the area and inform you of local happenings. Questions about gift giving, festivals, nightlife, and greetings can be addressed without worry. In the best case sceneries, an exchange partner is not only your ambassador but a friend.

Find a tandem partner through EasyExpat's forums.

Update 2/03/2018


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