a decade of experience in tech and online marketing in Usa

a decade of experience in tech and online marketing

Mr john GATINS

Telefon: 2038959237

7825 flintshire ct - Usa

Ort: Usa

Arbeitsbereich: Marketing, Media, Kommunikation

Job suchen (kurze Beschreibung):
To secure a business development position that leverages my skills and experience in client acquisition, growth and retention.
A confident and outgoing business development executive with a decade of experience in tech and online marketing and special expertise in the financial products vertical.

Director of Business Development
Round Sky, Inc. specializes in connecting consumers looking for financial products online with a lender or institution that can fulfill such requests. During my tenure, I saw average daily visitor flow through our websites increase from about 8,000 per day to approximately 100,000 per day.
As Director, I oversaw the development, optimization and implementation of new and existing products. Brokered data monetization partnerships for tens of thousands of SMS/Email records per day with clients across the world. I managed and developed key accounts both on the buying and selling side of the business as well as organized trade show exhibiting and marketing materials.

Sacred heart University
Business Administration

english, spanish- intermeediate

Lebenslauf angehängt: CV_8882
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john gatins


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 Marketing, Media, Kommunikation

john gatins
a decade of experience in tech and online marketing

To secure a business development position that leverages my skills and experience in client (...)

Marketing, Media, Kommunikation: Usa
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