Farm worker seeker in Kanada

Farm worker seeker


Telefon: +237679219378 - Kanada

Ort: Kanada

Arbeitsbereich: Agronomie, Fruit picking

Job suchen (kurze Beschreibung):
I am an agricultural technician and want to apply for the farm job in Montreal, Canada.

I have been working for the the past 3 years from 2021 till date and I have undergone several trainings in the field of crop production and animal husbandry

I am a holder a bachelors degree of technology in agriculture and my specialty is crop production.

I speak and write well in both the English and French languages.

Weitere Angaben:
I have had several trainings in the field of crop production, animal production and also in several humanitarian activities and as a human rights officer

Lebenslauf angehängt: CV_8808
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Gesendet von:
Ngando Yannick Mandengue


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 Agronomie, Fruit picking

Ngando Yannick Mandengue
Farm worker seeker

I am an agricultural technician and want to apply for the farm job in Montreal, Canada. (...)

Agronomie, Fruit picking : Kanada
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