Forum South Africa

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✎ EN Safety and general in Johannesburg

Discussion in 'South Africa' started by BrunoC, Sep 15, 2012.

  1. BrunoC

    BrunoC New Member

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Post in english below.


    Actuellement expatrié (par mission d'un an en general) je recherche plus de stabilite (disons 2 à 5 ans; voire plus si affinites). Dans ce sens, ma compagnie me propose un poste en banlieue de Johannesbourg.

    J'aurais voulu des renseignements (toujours les memes questions...) sur:
    -le style de vie sur place (au jour le jour, totalement depaysant? en anglais?)
    -le systeme de sante (medecins generaux? dentiste? opticien etc)
    -sante et hygiene

    Mon autre inquietude concerne la securite, la plupart des sites internets decrivent un pays dangereux,(petite criminalite mais avec beaucoup de violence), j'ai eu des temoignages de gens ayant vecu sur place expliquant qu'au jou rle jour ca ne se passe pas si mal. Je voudrais simplement savoir ce qu'il en est. En exagerant je dirais que je cherche plutot a avoir une vie, une vie sociale plus riche(voire rencontrer quelquun), plus developpée, que de la perdre pour uen voiture ou un portefeuille. C'est un peu extreme, mais entre eviter les pickpockets, perdre des biens materiels, et des agressions physiques plus ou moins violentes, il ya une certaine difference. Aimant voyager seul, marcher, me promener (a pied ou en voiture), je ne souhaiterais pas vivre dans une prison dorée pour etre sauf non plus.
    Donc, en resumé, comment cela se passe t il dans la vie de tous les jours? est ce que les precautions sont raisonnables? ou faut il devenir extra vigilant et anxieux dans beaucoup de situation normale de la vie de tous les jours de pays plus surs?

    J'ai deja quelques reponses apres mes recherches internet, mais je voudrais plutot des temoignages pour mieux cerner la situation de la ville. Le pays fait rever, pour visiter, mais j'ai appris que des fois les pays touristiques de reve ne sont pas faciles a vivre au jour le jour.

    Merci pour votre aide.


    Used to be expatriate (usually 1 year mission) i am now looking for more long term assignment (2 to 5 years, or even more if), and my company is so proposing me a job in Johannesburg.

    i would have like information about the country and city (you probably heard many times those questions but):
    -life style: how is it compared to "western" standards, a world apart? or you can still easily adapt and find your ways?
    -health system (usual doctors, dentist, opticians,etc?)
    -health and hygiene

    My other concern is about safety. I want to be stable to develop a better social life through time, (and maybe even a family life). I read some internet site and most talk about a violent crime city. I make a difference between losing material item (money, car,etc) and being physically attacked (or they even talk about high murder rate).I like to travel alone (foot, car, etc) and i would like to know how it is in daily life, do you need to take a lot of precaution, or simply be careful? do u need to live a in "golden jail" to be safe?
    To sum up, i d really like to have a life close to a normal daily life (work, friend, have a drink, cinema, visit, travel) and so id like to know if it is possible without extreme precautions and anxiety.

    I already found a few answers through internet research, but i am now looking more for witness/testimony from people experience there. It is a very important point for me to accept or not this mission. South Africa is reknown as a beautiful country for tourism, but tourism is sometimes very far from daily life reality.

    Thanks for your help

  2. texkourgan

    texkourgan Addicted member
    Networker Editor

    Jan 29, 2008
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    The best place to start is with the Guide to Johannesburg. It offers complete info about expatriating to the city, and addresses the issue of emergency services in South Africa.

    I would also recommend checking out expat blogs in Johannesburg as they have experience in the city. Both Chickenruby and Joburg Expat have also completed interviews about living in Johannesburg. Joburg expat has also contributed to our new site, Expat Quotes, for South Africa. She addressed the issue of safety in Choosing a Place to Live.

    Hopefully these resources, expecially Joburg's article are of help to you. I am sure they would be happy to explain more if you contact them. Best of luck & let us know how your plans develop.
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  3. chickenruby

    chickenruby Member

    Mar 3, 2012
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    Hi Bruno
    My name is Suzanne, I'm found on twitter and here as chickenruby. I've replied to many similar questions on here in the forums. We moved here in jan 2011 with two kids having never visited the country.
    All I can say is we live it, have always felt physically safe. I drive at night alone, I volunteer in a school in a township, I've taken the kids camping in kruger by myself, etc, etc, .
    It had taken a long time to settle in because everything is different from the uk and I've not known how everything has worked not have I known anyone to ask.
    I keep a blog at its a true account of our lives here, some good, some bad and some downright outrageous.
    If youre on twiter come say hi.

    Thank you texourgan for the recommendation

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