Logistics Professional w Usa

Logistics Professional

Mr Adam KANE

Telefon: 5167215035

206 North Oak Street - Usa

Lokalizacja: Usa

Branża: Pozostałe Prace

Poszukiwanie pracy (krótki opis):
▼ Objective
A challenging and responsible position with a growing organization in which my exceptional experience in logistics, would be valued. I am also seeking a position outside of the U.S. to help enhance my life experiences.

March 2020 – Present
Contracts Administrator/Manager • Island Group Enterprises • Mineola, New York
The Island Group consists of several divisions and has manufacturing facilities in various parts of the world. Major areas served are in supplying the defense industries and pyrotechnic manufacturers with parts and chemicals. As Contracts Administrator I have been responsible for:
• Arranging purchase, logistics and documentation for domestic and international transactions.
• Application and review of export licenses requiring broad understanding of ITAR regulations.
• Preparation of documentation related to dangerous goods shipments for multiple hazard classes
• DOT, IMDG, and IATA certified.
• International shipments of explosives and other highly specialized materials into sensitive international parts of the world, often with arrangements with charter vessels.
• Preparation, review and updates of SDS’s and Certificates of Analysis
• Creation of product labels using extensive knowledge of GHS pictograms and terminology.
• Monitor and maintain inventory records.
• Assisting other less experienced Contracts Administrators

For more see attached resume

Graduated Commack High School North
Graduated State University of New York at Stony Brook
• Bachelor of Arts with a major in Psychology, minor in Economics

Języki Obce:


CV załączone: CV_8933
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Umieszczone przez:
Adam Kane


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