Opieka Medyczna Usa

Spis na temat Ekspatriacji

Immigrant Health Insurance

Does anyone know any Immigrant families living here in the Unites States that needs to get Medical Insurance? If they are 65 or Older they have to apply within 30 days of arrival to the United States, or have had previous International Insurance Coverage they are replacing. If they are under age 65, they need to apply within 6 months of arrival to the United States. The Coverage they can apply for is our Patriot Platinum Coverage. Please visit https://www.expat-health.com/International-Health-Insurance and select Patriot Platinum Travel Medical Insurance. If 3 months of coverage is purchased initially, you can extend the Coverage up to 3 Years!!! These policies are great for families that bring their parents to live with them either full time or part of the year.

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