Warehouse clerk i Ghana

Warehouse clerk

Mr Kwaku NTI

Telefoonnummer: +233206911757

Techiman Baptist Street. Ghana - Ghana

Locatie: Ghana

Sector: Andere banen

Zoeken naar werk (korte beschrijving):
General  warehouse lobour with 6 years of experience in warehouse operations. Physical fit and able to repeatedly lift packages of over 100 ibs. Avid on the job leaner excited to apply acquired knowledge while advancing skill set for benefits of assisting with the growth of forsyth manufacturing

Ervaring :
A. Acheampomg company limited
Blue Cross. Techiman
June 2018 to july 2021

Oversee integrity and accuracy of all product the warehouse during active shift

-inspect and research inventory discrepancies

-Documents and report on all damaged products using appropriate papers work  procedures

-supervise all new hires during initial 3 months probation period


Apusko Company limited
Techiman market road
November's 2021 to 2023

-Assited manager co-worker vendor's  with their day to day operational requirements

-monitoring all incoming and outgoing pallet for bad wood
-Accidents free entire tenure 24 months

-Acted  as back up product picker during observe
and vacation.                                                  

Senior high school level


Bijgevoegd CV: CV_8934
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 Andere banen

Warehouse clerk

General  warehouse lobour with 6 years of experience in warehouse operations. Physical fit and able to (...)

Andere banen: Ghana
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