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PIC Management

Cabinet de recrutement proposant un service de headhunting aux entreprises et un service de placement en stage pour les étudiants.

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[Hits: 40 - Toegevoegd: 22-10-2015]


  • Buitenlandse Stage


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 5 things not to tell your German boss during your internship abroad
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11 September 2019 | 4:21 am

 How to rock your internship
You're already in the middle of your internship abroad. Maybe you have a little down right now. But don't worry! We will give you a view tips on how to keep motivation high and how to keep on rocking your internship.
22 January 2019 | 8:23 pm

 5 reasons why you should study Business in Finland
You're thinking about studying Business abroad? You should consider Finland! Here are 5 reasons why you should study in one of the happiest countries in the world...
18 January 2019 | 8:27 pm

 7 tips on how to handle your phone interview for your internship
You almost got your internship, now there is just the obstacle of the phone interview. But don't worry! With the following 7 tips we’ll help you to manage it...
9 January 2019 | 10:23 pm

 The 10 struggles of having international friends
After doing an internship abroad you will have many friends, who are not from your home country. That is great! But, there is also a downside! We’ll show you the 10 biggest struggles you’ll face...
13 December 2018 | 8:00 pm

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