Expat Newsletter March 2023 : Latest News with our Expat Network

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Expat News

Expat Newsletter March 2023

Latest News in our Expat Network


I don't know about you but we have been really busy here since the beginning of the year and obviously keeping up with our newsletters is definitely one of our missed New Year's resolutions.

We have started a new series of articles to explore major healthcare systems in the world. You will find our article on the UK National Health Service in our magazine, and we are going to publish soon about Canada and France.

Taking care of our health and concerned about the planet, we have also decided to talk about the way of making long distance travel by train to reduce polution: The rebirth of Europe’s sleeper trains. On a completely different topic we also focus on Singapore and the changes in Visa rules in order to attract more expats.

Talking about Singapore, our latest post gives a quick overview of our eight greatest areas to live in Singapore. And if you want to quickly explore other countries we have also published two sponsored posts on Denmark and Sweden.

We would love to hear your views and share your comments on our articles. Don't forget that you can react and comment on all our articles in our forums! Links are at the bottom of each article, and in the Magazine section of the forum.

Share your experience and participate to our blogger interviews

If you are a blogger, feel free to register your blog on BlogExpat.com and drop us an email so we can arrange for an interview :-)

And don't forget to share advice and information on the forums.

Enjoy this newsletter.

PS: If you have a personal expat blog, don't forget to register in our worldwide directory of expat blogs.

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