Forum United Kingdom

Forum degli Stranieri in United Kingdom: Poni delle domande e partecipa a discussioni riguardanti la vita all'estero

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✎ EN Want to Get Married in Uk From Us and He French

Discussione in 'United Kingdom' iniziata da ummkhalil22, 21 Luglio 2010.

  1. ummkhalil22

    ummkhalil22 New Member

    20 Luglio 2010
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Stati Uniti
    Americano (US)
    Hi, i hope someone could help me
    i am american citizen living in america
    my partner is living in france
    both want to move to uk to live,,( but not yet)
    we want to get married in the uk

    so far this is what the plans are
    go to uk to get married...leave
    he will go back to uk and work and set up residence some months later, then me and my children will join him
    sometime later

    my questions are what are my steps
    i know i have to make an application for permission to come in the uk for marriage purpose
    does he need to do anything being that he is apart of the eu?
    What about the certficate of acceptance? Does this even apply to our situation being that neither one of us will reside in the uk at the time of getting married?
    How long will i have to be in the uk to complete the marriage process? I see something about 14 and 15 days?
    Will i have to reside in uk for 7 days and get an address to get married? Whats that about?
    The final question, is about settle ment...i see fees of 644 a person for a settlement visa, then someone said i didnt have to pay if my husband has moved and settled in the this true?
    Please help..please an out line step b step, cuz i am confused!
  2. Yousafzai

    Yousafzai Addicted member

    17 Settembre 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Regno Unito
    Pakistano (PK)
    English, Urdu, Pashto
    No he doesn't need to do anything since he is an EEA citizen.

    If you get a fiance visa from the US, you will not need to apply for CoA - Certificate of Approval.

    How long depends on where exactly do you want to get married in the UK. You should check the local registrar website to find out how long can it take and other requirements.

    Yes, someone said correct. You will apply for EEA Family Permit and then EEA2 which are free NOT a settlement visa.

    Good luck
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