Forum Brussels

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☛ EN Advice Preparing for a Job Interview in Brussels

Dieses Thema im Forum "Brussels" wurde erstellt von texkourgan, 27. August 2013.

  1. texkourgan

    texkourgan Addicted member
    Networker Editor

    Registriert seit:
    29. Januar 2008
    Amerikanisch (US)
    English, a little Deutsch

    Have you applied for a job interview in Brussels? The process of applying for a job can be stressful, especially if you are not familiar with the cultural and professional standards of the Brussels.

    How should an expat prepare for an interview in Brussels? What tips and advice can you offer about the process? What happens during the interview? How should you dress? When should you arrive? What should you bring? How long should the interview process take?

    If you are preparing for an interview - what questions do you have?

    Thanks for sharing your experience, advice and questions with the members of EasyExpat!
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