Fórum Immigration Poland - Polska

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Shoptime Polish Citizenship Act of 1951 / 1951 Polish Citizenship Law

Discussão em 'Immigration Poland - Polska' iniciado por Harjeet, 6/3/09.

  1. Harjeet

    Harjeet Well-Known Member

    Curtidas Recebidas:
    Canadense (CA)
    Polish Citizenship Act 1951 (Google translated from Hebrew)

    Polish Citizens
    Article 1: a Polish citizen may not be a citizen of another state at the time.

    Article 2: from the date this law goes into force, Polish citizenship are those who:
    1) in accordance with the previous laws are Polish citizenship.
    2) those who were Polish natives.
    3) recognized on the basis of Polish civil law, 28 April 1946, concerning the citizenship of the Polish people with a Polish national, living on the territory seating; Order dated 22 October 1947, concerning Polish citizenship of people living in the former city Gdansk, or in accordance with the said legislation, which were in effect at the time earlier.

    Article 3: Authorized authority may recognize people as having qualified for Polish citizenship, even if you do not meet the requirements listed in the previous section, which, lived in Poland on May 9, 1945, unless they came to Poland with foreign citizenship to some, and were recognized as foreign.

    Article 4: a person is not considered a Polish citizen, even if on August 31, 1939, he or she would have Polish citizenship, but now live in a foreign country and regularly:
    1) Following the changes in the borders of Poland, became a citizen of another state
    2) has national Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Lithuanian, Latvian or Estonian.
    3) has German nationality, (unless the spouse of such a person has Polish citizenship and resides in Poland).

    Article 5:
    1. Marriage between a Polish citizen with a person who is not Polish citizens, does not affect the citizenship.
    2. If a person changes his/her nationality, it does not affect the citizenship of the spouse.

    Receiving Polish Citizenship
    Article 6: A child eligible for a Polish citizenship if:
    1) both parents have Polish citizenship
    2) One of the parents is a citizen of Polish nationality of the other parent is unknown, or when, or nationality is not known.

    Article 7: A child born or found in Poland, acquires Polish citizenship if both parents are not known or when the citizenship of his parents is unknown.

    Article 8:
    1. A child who was born in Poland, which one of parents is a Polish citizen of the other parent is a citizen of another state, acquires Polish citizenship, unless within one month of birth both parents before a state authority empowered them to choose the child's country of citizenship, the other parent is a citizen of its state Given that allows it.
    2. If parents do not agree on, every one of them may turn to the court to be used in the switch, within one month from the date of birth of the child.
    3. A child who acquired foreign citizenship based on small sections 1-2 above, may choose to Polish citizenship after fill him 13 years, by way of submitting a request to the appropriate.

    Article 9: Provision of Article 8 above is also valid in relation to children who were born outside of Poland, and one parent is a Polish citizen, assuming the same state, that a parent is a citizen of it, apply the same rules regarding the nationality of the child parents are different nationality.

    Article 10:
    1. A foreign citizen can obtain Polish citizenship by submitting a request.
    2. Receiving Polish citizenship may be a turn is dependent on evidence concerning relinquishing citizenship otherwise.
    3. who came to Poland, returning residents, in accordance with rules established by the appropriate authorities, will receive Polish citizenship by law.

    Loss of Polish Citizenship
    Article 11:
    1. A Polish citizen is entitled to obtain foreign citizenship only after receiving the consent Polish authorities.
    2. Agreement to change citizenship given to parents, also affects their minor children.
    3. Agreement to change citizenship given to one of the parents affects the child when the other parent is a Polish citizen or have Polish citizenship, has agreed to change to the Authority is authorized. If the other parent does not agree or parents do not reach agreement, it will be decided by the court.
    4. Agreement in relation to assault children age 13 years on the show only if the child gave consent.
    5. Obtaining foreign citizenship leads to the loss of Polish citizenship.

    Article 12:
    1. Polish citizenship of a Polish citizen living abroad, can be revoked, if:
    1) He violated the duty of loyalty to Poland.
    2) acted to harm Poland.
    3) left the land of Poland after - May 9, 1945
    4) refused return to Poland upon authorities demand
    5) military service dodger
    6) was tried for a crime or offense that is serial offender
    2. Children of the same man who lost Polish citizenship, can also lose their Polish citizenship if they live abroad and are young age of 13 years.

    Article 13:
    1. National Committee to decide on the question of grant or denial of Polish citizenship.
    2. Negatively requests Polish citizenship will be submitted by the Prime Minister.
    3. Publication of a statement of denial of Polish citizenship monitor Folsky will be a replacement message, as stated.

    Article 14:
    Committee of Ministers to decide which authorities will receive all the decisions in all cases related to Polish citizenship, non-national authority committee.

    Temporary provisions Finalized
    Article 15:
    1. Decisions, which were received before the - 1 September 1939, based on the regulations dated 31 March 1938, regarding the denial of Polish citizenship are not legally valid in relation to those who entered the day the law invalid, lived in Poland.
    2. National Committee can restore the citizenship of people who lived outside Poland were denied citizenship on the basis of the previous section, if they are not returned Polish citizenship before the law came into effect.

    Article 16: Provisions of this law valid in relation to children born or found in Poland before the entry of these orders getter.

    Article 17:
    1. Previous orders regarding Polish citizenship are no longer valid.
    2. In particular:
    1) The law dated 20 January 1920, on Polish citizenship Law and amendments later.
    2) The law dated 26 September 1922, regarding the free choice of Polish citizenship by the citizens of the former Austrian empire or kingdom in Hungary, or the free choice of nationality by the foreign residents of the states passed these, who are owners of Polish citizenship.
    3) The law dated 31 March 1938, regarding the denial of Polish.
    4) The law dated 28 April 1946, concerning the citizenship of the Polish people with a Polish national, living on the territory seating.
    5) an order dated 22 October 1947, regarding the citizenship of the Polish people living in the former city Gdansk.
    6) Section 110 of the law dated 4 February 1930 concerning military service obligation.

    Article 18:
    National Committee and Prime Minister will be appointed to carry out this law.

    Article 19:
    The law will take effect with publication.
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