Forum Barcelona

Expat Foren in Barcelona: Stelle Fragen und beteilige dich an Diskussionen bezüglich Ausbürgerung.

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☛ EN Advice New Members in Barcelona: Welcome

Dieses Thema im Forum "Barcelona" wurde erstellt von texkourgan, 29. August 2013.

  1. texkourgan

    texkourgan Addicted member
    Networker Editor

    Registriert seit:
    29. Januar 2008
    Amerikanisch (US)
    English, a little Deutsch
    Hello and welcome to!

    This topic is specifically dedicated to new comers in Barcelona. We invite you to introduce yourself here!

    Why have you come here? Is it for internship? Studies? A job? Or simply in order to discover new lands?

    If you have already secured a job, how did you find it? How long do you think you will stay in Barcelona?

    How was your move? How did you settle into your new city? What was the easiest thing / the most difficult to adapt to?

    The guide to Barcelona is the perfect resource to give you an overview of life abroad. Check it out and ask questions here on the forum. Thanks in advance for your answers and here’s to a good discussion!
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