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Expat tweets

Expat Twitter Round-Up: February 23rd, 2015

Twitter bird on globeExpats are a worldly crew, generally knowledgeable about what is happening around them from local, everyday events to major international news. We have collected the top tweets of the week for expats, travelers, and those interested in the global pulse.

Expat News

Mall Makeovers: Expat Edition http://millihelen.jezebel.com/mall-makeovers-expat-edition-1683831571

 The World's Friendliest Countries http://www.forbes.com/pictures/egim45edme/1-new-zealand/

Thinking Of Moving Abroad? 20 Tips For Moving Abroad, Because Being An Expat Is Harder Than It Looks First http://bsl.io/Gln 

A dilemma facing American parents abroad: should they document their child's birth with U.S. authorities? http://on.wsj.com/1zOgJV7

Tweets from our Featured Expat Bloggers

Re-pat in Los Angeles, USA
The brutal truth about my rough adjustment to life in #LosAngeles #expats #Commutertales http://rubyronin.com/life-in-los-angeles-is-killing-me

Expat in Madrid, Spain
One of my favourite benefits of blogging... http://passportpacked.com/benefit-of-blogging/ #lbloggers #bbloggers #bdib 

Expat in Copenhagen, Denmark
Where To Rent In Copenhagen :: A Stunning Home Tour http://wp.me/p392t9-ajz



 Author: texkourgan |  2015-02-23 14:38:27

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