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Expat tweets

Expat Twitter Round-Up: December 1st, 2014

Twitter bird on globe Expats are a worldly crew, generally knowledgeable about what is happening around them from local, everyday events to major international news. We have collected the top tweets of the week for expats, travelers, and those interested in the global pulse.

Expat News

Trade-offs for Families Living the Expat Lifestyle http://globallivingmagazine.com/trade-offs-for-families-living-the-expat-lifestyle/

10 Types of Expat that Roam the World http://www.theinternationalwanderer.com/10-types-of-expat-that-roam-the-world

We Asked Brits To Label The United States Again, Because It’s A Thanksgiving Tradition http://www.buzzfeed.com/robinedds/happy-thanksgiving-we-are-very-sorry?utm_term=.yogR46wLD via @robinedds

A Brit, at Thanksgiving, in Brussels http://on.wsj.com/1tpKEjF

How to find a good babysitter for your #expat kids - ExpatChild http://buff.ly/1yf0ym5

Expat teachers in Vietnam – Part 3: From poor student to vice principal http://tuoitrenews.vn/city-diary/24317/expat-teachers-in-vietnam-part-3-from-poor-student-to-vice-principal

How do you deal with the #Dutch 3 kiss rule? @Invader_Stu talks us through the experience: http://www.iamexpat.nl/read-and-discuss/expat-page/articles/3-kiss-rule-netherlands

Thanksgiving from Abroad: Some Thoughts on Gratitude http://www.lifeofthelaw.org/thanksgiving-from-abroad-some-thoughts-on-gratitude/

Tweets from our Featured Bloggers

Expat in Wuhan, Hubei, China
Five Awesome Things I've Done That You Have No Idea About...Yet! http://www.sellyslittleworld.com/2014/11/five-awesome-things-ive-done-that-you.html

Expat in Stockholm, Sweden
Want to know the backstory behind this monkey shot? Check it out - http://www.lolaakinmade.com/2014/10/08/notes-one-controversial-photos/ #Cambodia

Expat in Havana, Cuba
Havana for Careful Readers http://hereishavana.com/2014/11/05/havana-for-careful-readers/

Expat in Moscow, Russia
black like them http://impressionsofanexpat.blogspot.com/2014/12/black-like-them.html

Expat in Cancun, Mexico
The Business of Travel Blogging – Finding Success With Facebook http://www.marginalboundaries.com/2014/11/the-business-of-travel-blogging-finding-success-with-facebook/

Expat in UK
Fell Walking: Arnside Knott https://amandaafield.wordpress.com/2014/11/25/fell-walking-arnside-knott/

Expat in Busan, Korea
blogged: What to Pack When Moving to Korea to Teach English http://wp.me/p1oPZJ-2xd



 Author: texkourgan |  2014-12-01 17:05:27

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