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Voice of a City

A short message to talk about a new initiative in association with Eurostar: the website Voice of a City.

See below the announcement:

Voice of a City"voice of a city's blog" : A thrilling and genuine way to tell the frenchies all about the londonian way of life.

Apply for the job now to become one of the privileged and lucky spokesman of the city.

London is unrepeatable and there’s so much to teach the french people about it but only a few people know about it.
Listening to passionate citizens of London is without a doubt the best way to give them the desire to travel abroad and so is ‘voice of a city’.
It is becoming a concrete and achieved website thanks to the support of the one specialist of the Paris-London route that is Eurostar.
It will update the French travellers about the London lifestyle and the latest events through ten french citizens’s blogs in London.
Each of them will be free to post their latest impressions about anything happening in their London social interactions.
The concept is to genuinely interact with free speech about the city with a view to have a hunch of what is London like.

We’re currently recruiting our 'voices', the successfull applicants will get paid a monthly £100 wage and they will also be given a digital camera for the purpose of illustration.

It will be up to them to give shapes and character to the website by giving their words as much and often as they want to.

Dare applying for the job:
Apply now within this address : choupinette__@hotmail.fr
A detailed application form will be send back to you.
All applicants will have to hand in their application form imperatively before the 31rst of july 2006.

 Author: EasyExpat |  2006-07-11 17:22:06

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