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Expat tweets

Expat Twitter Round-Up: October 14th, 2013

Twitter bird on globe Expats are a worldly crew, generally knowledgeable about the world around them from local, everyday happenings to major international news. We have collected some of the top tweets of the week for expats, travelers, and those interested in the global pulse.

Expat News

Expatriation and Relationships — Intercultural Blog Carnival http://fb.me/2lJchOYQ4

3 personality characteristics necessary for a successful #expat life http://buff.ly/1696vXV

The World's Most Beautiful Places In Photos http://huff.to/19o7EZY

Sir Richard Branson Defends Farewell To Britain http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/sir-richard-branson-bids-farewell-britain-023416876.html

Walks of Life: 5 Pilgrimages Around the World http://www.thecultureist.com/2013/09/25/pilgrimages-around-world-camino-de-santiago-mount-kailash/

Football vs. ‘Soccer’: A Translation Guide for Brits and Americans http://www.bbcamerica.com/mind-the-gap/2013/10/11/football-vs-soccer-how-terminology-differs-between-america-and-britain/

The 5 Weirdest Side Effects of Moving to a New Country http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-5-weirdest-side-effects-moving-to-new-country/

A Week of Groceries In Different Countries | RealityPod http://po.st/XdBwPd

25 Tricks for Simplifying the Big Move http://www.marthastewart.com/980593/simplifying-big-move

Tweets from our Featured Bloggers

Expat in Whitby, Ontario
Expatlog - living life without borders... How BPD made me a better expat http://t.co/TwPV9VonVf #Blog #ExpatLife #MentalHealth

Expat in Southeast Tennessee, USA
Assertiveness Across Cultures http://southeastschnitzel.wordpress.com/2013/10/09/assertiveness-across-cultures/

Expat in Bath, England, UK
A Compass Rose: My Expat Life: The WWII Evacuee http://www.bonnieroseblog.co.uk/2013/10/my-expat-life-wwii-evacuee-diy-gas-mask.html

Expat in Spain
East of Málaga: The Weather this Autumn | East of Málaga .... and more! http://bit.ly/1hOgYax

Expat in Singapore
Chameleons in my yard! http://lmashton.com/chameleons-in-my-yard/

World Travelers
From the Road: Climbing A Mountain In India... Barefoot http://latitudethirtyfour.com/2013/09/19/climbing-mountain-india-barefoot/

Expat in London, United Kingdom
New Blog Post: Mojacar (Pueblo) and the Costa de Almeria http://goo.gl/fb/jGphH

Expat in Seoul, South Korea
Girl Model: The Complicated Mirror Maze of the Japanese Modelling World #childmodels #girlmodel #exploitation http://wp.me/p3d5bt-1cx

Expat in Warsaw, Poland
Not from here!: Social Housing issue in Birmingham http://not-from-uk.blogspot.com/2013/10/social-housing-issue-in-birmingham.html?spref=tw

Expat in Bremen, Germany
IKEA Bremen http://goo.gl/fb/QU50e #bitsofgermany #aboutgermany

Expat in Rome, Italy
Questura and Permesso di Soggiorno, Part 2 http://nblo.gs/PVg9X

Expat in Seville, Spain
What happens at the Weis’n: Oktoberfest, a Beer-Lover’s Dream http://sunshineandsiestas.com/2013/10/06/what-happens-at-the-weisn-oktoberfest-a-beer-lovers-dream/ #expat

Expat in Seoul
WTF?! Wednesday ~ Drugstore Cowboy http://wp.me/p1BQwD-GS

Expat in Ohio, USA
Reunited with my Hubby feels really good & I'm taking in all that is new around me http://buff.ly/19e5ABV #newbie #expat

Expat in Moscow, Russia
Open letter to future Moscow expats http://wp.me/p3LXe8-Al

Expat in Oslo, Norway
One Government Shutdown, Another Government switch-up http://www.oslostinspace.blogspot.no/2013/10/one-government-shutdown-another.html

Expat in Croatia
California Burrito in Zagreb, Croatia http://www.notascottishlass.com/california-burrito-zagreb-croatia/

Expat in Rome, Italy
Customs and Etiquette in Italy http://rickzullo.com/customs-etiquette-italy/

Expat in Berlin
What's your priority: Capturing a moment or experiencing it? http://bit.ly/1fanbkj #photography #expat #wasserschlacht #ttot

Expat in Ghana
Fabric shopping in the biggest market in West Africa. http://wp.me/p2e98L-mO


Expats Radio - www.expatsradio.comYou can now find us also on Expatsradio.com with our weekly programme talking about expat tweets.

Expats radio provides people already living or contemplating moving abroad with information on important issues like finance and law, compiled by their team, experts or the listeners themselves. Regular topics include gardening, cookery, horoscopes and news.


 Author: texkourgan |  2013-10-14 11:32:21

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