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Expat tweets

Expat Twitter Round-Up: November 26th 2012

Twitter bird on globe Expats are a worldly crew, generally knowledgeable about the world around them from everyday happenings to major international news. We decided to collect some of the top tweets of the week for expats, travelers, and those interested in the global pulse.

Expat News

4 Tips for Surviving the Holidays as an Expat http://bit.ly/UEmYqH #lp #expat

French & Saunders' hilarious "Expat Wives" clip http://youtu.be/xht7nqVmxR4

Home or Away for Christmas? http://belindabeckett.com/christmas-in-spain/

Weekly Travel Tips: How to Keep Your Money Safe While Traveling- In 14 years of solo travels, I never lost any! http://ow.ly/futsS

From the Archives: An Expat in #Shanghai: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly http://tinyurl.com/9quxhtm #China

What Happens If You Overstay A Tourist Visa? http://foxnomad.com/2010/05/11/what-happens-if-you-overstay-a-tourist-visa/

Why do British singers sound American? http://t.co/jctpdfQW

Tricky Thanksgiving Questions - new on the blog. http://t.co/qMKk7udC #expatmum #thanksgiving #greenbeancasserole #familygatherings

Thanksgiving in Australia means no turkey for our expat writer, @raymegorniak. http://ow.ly/fuera

Unsettled but Happy Third Culture Kid: Part 1 - Your Expat Child http://t.co/OjG0ccSV #tck

Teaching English Illegally http://toolkit.bootsnall.com/teaching-abroad/teaching-english-illegally.html

On The Insatiable Global Hunger For Italian Cuisine http://bit.ly/106h3k3 #travel

The best apps for Expats http://www.theexpathub.com/the-best-apps-for-expats/119/

Pregnant or just an expat? http://shar.es/GQomm

Some differences in using Twitter in Vietnam and the U.S.: http://wp.me/pPJFT-f0

Tweets from our Featured Bloggers

Expat in the Netherlands
What do Dutch children like? http://nblo.gs/EFzQe

Expat in Logroño, Spain
My guide to the vibrant colors of Córdoba, Spain http://bit.ly/TRFRHM

Expat in Whitby, Ontario
The Model School, Athy http://t.co/rxXRtcwQ

Expat in Johannesburg, South Africa
The Birds and the Bees and the Lions Too http://www.joburgexpat.com/2012/11/the-birds-and-bees-and-lions-too.html #matinglions

Expat in Dordrecht, Netherlands
New - Is 'expat' a dirty word? http://ow.ly/fyKCn

Expat in Malta
New Post: An American Thanksgiving in Malta http://bit.ly/UKuthB

Expat in London, UK
11 More Pieces of London Street Art http://wp.me/pwGB1-1Mx

Expat in the Netherlands
The left overs #expatwives http://instagr.am/p/SXtyZSHWlD/

Expat in Beijing, China
Packing for RTW and long term travel http://t.co/s8eCeZ8B

Expat in somewhere below the Equator!
Is it really about #Thanksgiving? or "Why I'm boycotting '#Black Friday'..." http://t.co/rQpemdvR #shopping #consumerism #expat

Expat in Hampshire, England
New Post- Inside the Wardrobe, Black Friday edition! http://runningacrossthepond.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/inside-wardrobe-black-friday-2012.html

Expat in the Hague, Netherlands
Unexpected Goodbyes: Part of the Package. The value of slow-cooker friends http://wp.me/p1cshk-1dL #expatlife #expat #friendship #women

Expat in England
"What did you expect, an exploding pen?" - Q http://t.co/JpWjRjrG

Expat in Andalucía, Spain
#Thanksgiving Turkeys and Triumphs: How I celebrated in #Spain http://t.co/OrYJ9nL8

Expat in the Netherlands
Here's a question for #expat #bloggers: what makes YOU blog? http://wp.me/p1iIk2-m3 Blogging? It's All in the Balance #writing #blogging #in

Expat in Kenya
Feeling thankful and thoughtful after Thanksgiving? I'd love to hear your thoughts on slum tourism. I'm still... http://fb.me/1pDm4AaIr



 Author: texkourgan |  2012-11-26 09:47:20

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