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Our Network News

A little game with our new header

We released our new header for our series of expat websites last week. 

In order to celebrate our new layout, we offer a little game.

Can you post in comment (below), in order - from left to right, the name of all the cities that are pictured in our skyline

EasyExpat.com new header - World skyline

The first to find the full list will receive a little prize *

(don't forget to indicate your email if you want to be contacted!) :-)

I will post clues from time to time... but here is the first one:

  1. There are 24 cities to find (remember: in order from left to right).
  2. All the cities have a city-expat-guide on Easyexpat.com.
  3. In the picture below (click on it to see it bigger) you will find the monuments for the 24 cities to guess:

Header with 24 city names

I start: 1-Rome, 2-.... your turn :-)

Good luck ! :-)

* Prize = Amazon vouchers worth equivalent of €50 (Amazon US, UK or Fr)


  1. Rome
  2. Berlin
  3. London
  4. Brussels
  5. Amsterdam
  6. Madrid
  7. Moscow
  8. Munich
  9. Paris
  10. Athens
  11. Istanbul
  12. Oslo
  13. Barcelona
  14. Warsaw
  15. Copenhagen
  16. Dublin
  17. New York City
  18. San Francisco
  19. Hong Kong
  20. Tokyo
  21. Shanghai
  22. Beijing
  23. Singapore
  24. Taipei

Congrats to Victoria who was the closest (2 mistakes only ;-) ) in comments and get the prize.

 Author: EasyExpat |  2012-09-28 11:27:48

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