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Expat tweets

Expat Twitter Round-Up: 27th August 2012

Twitter bird on globeExpats are a worldly crew, generally knowledgeable about the world around them from everyday happenings to major international news. We decided to collect some of the top tweets of the week for expats, travelers, and those interested in the global pulse.

Expat News

Feast on Europe’s best food trucks http://ow.ly/daiei #lp #travel

The Textpatriate: The high cost of 'expat-lite' programs http://t.co/MnxIovih

Cities Where Being A Vegetarian Doesn’t Suck goo.gl/fb/raSZc #travel #rtwsoon #lp

How to Keep your Carbon Footprint Low When You Travel http://www.dontflygo.com/2012/08/16/how-keep-carbon-footprint-low-when-you-travel/

Infographic: Best Value In Europe As Rated By Coffee Price http://bit.ly/Q4A6rT #travel

A Londoner’s view of local attractions travelling with a French girl http://su.pr/2QUk2n #travel #london #england

How to deal with cabin fever & a ship full of nudists, and other confessions of a #cruise ship musician http://bit.ly/sOsdbs

Even after 20 years, the Night Watchman's Tour in Rothenburg, Germany, is still every bit as enchanting: http://youtu.be/LXZ-OPHtYLQ

Art lovers, ahoy! 9 cities with amazing public art: http://bit.ly/PEzKoa #travel

Tasty treats from abroad http://ow.ly/d4JYB #TNI

Mud Summer at Wacken Open Air - Win a pair of Havaianas Wellies! http://p.ost.im/p/dR7tT2

What it feels like to be a freelancer http://su.pr/2crHm3 #jobs #careeradvice

If only the Olympians ran Britain http://tgr.ph/PHOh4e

5 Quick tips for building local-business websites for profit as an expat: One of the biggest issues f... http://bit.ly/NdNeY4 #travel

Tweets from our Featured Bloggers

Expat in Sydney, Australia
Any unusual sayings where you live in the world? Fair suck of the sav? Knickers in a knot? It's plain weird here in Oz ow.ly/ddVoo

Expat in Seville, Spain
My first trip to NYC started with a walk around Central Park. I saw very little of it (more massive than I had... http://fb.me/t8iu3851

Expat in Beira, Mozambique
Au revoir Conakry! Our romance was short but memorable! http://wp.me/pMJdr-1iW

Expat in Bologna, Italy
{NEW POST} Travel Photos: Florence, Italy {http://bit.ly/MMqxfU}

Expat in Moscow, Russia
one eye, two slices http://nblo.gs/BagnF

Expat in the Netherlands
I wish to register a complaint - http://bit.ly/Rx3OY3

Expat in Milan, Italy
NEW BLOG POST: Hot n' Sticky Ghost Town http://wp.me/p1968x-BB

Expat in Spain
How many of my readers are language assistants here in Spain? This one is for you!... http://t.co/vOZgxp7K

Expat in Tokyo, Japan
We're looking for a Cheapo Food Writer. Please RT if you might know someone who'd be interested! http://tokyocheapo.com/general/seeking-a-cheapo-food-writer/

Expat in Suwon, South Korea
kiwigirl in Suwon, South Korea: V Energy Drink in Korea http://kiwigirlinsuwon.blogspot.de/2012/08/v-energy-drink-in-korea.html

Expat in the Netherlands
Looking back, it's odd how one message resulted in so much change http://t.co/hIqL3UE4 Down the Rabbit Hole #aging #cancer #blogging #in

Expat in Portugal
the bacalhau conversion http://www.emmashouseinportugal.com/food/the-bacalhau-conversion/


 Author: texkourgan |  2012-08-27 10:05:35

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