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Guide for expatriates in Sao Paulo, Brazil

BrazilWe are proud to launch our new city guide for expatriates in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Sao Paulo is the capital city of the state with the same name, which lies in southern Brazil.

As well as being Brazil’s largest industrial, commercial and services centre, the state of Sao Paulo is also the country’s prime agricultural producer; coffee (Brazil’s main export at the begining of the 20th century) remains the most important agricultural product.

Faculdade de Direito da USP. © Wikipedia images

Sao Paulo is by the far the most important industrial state in Brazil and industrial activity is focused on the cities known collectively as Grande São Paulo - São Paulo itself, Santo André, São Bernardo, São Caetano, Diadema (known as ABCD), Guarulhos, Osasco and Suzano. As q consequence of the population and the industry, Sao Paulo is the largest consumer of energy in Brazil, with almost 90% of its energy needs produced by hydroelectricity plants located across the state.

Due to overcrowding in the city of Sao Paulo successive governments have introduced incentives, such as tax breaks and free real estate, to encourage people to settle in other towns. Thanks to São Paulo’s superior infrastructure in terms of telecommunications, energy supply and transportation, it is nonetheless set to remain Brazil’s commercial hub for the foreseeable future.

You will find the usual articles in our guide to prepare your expatriation to Taipei and manage your life once in there: Overview, Job, Passport, Visa & Permits, International Removal Companies, Finding Accommodation, Work, Benefits and Tax, Moving in, Education, Health, Practical Life (banks, transport, shopping...), Entertainment...

You can also discuss and share experience in Brazil in our forum.

 Author: EasyExpat |  2010-12-14 19:10:12

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