Expats are a worldly crew, generally knowledgeable about what is happening around them from local, everyday events to major international news. We have collected the top tweets of the week for expats, travelers, and those interested in the global pulse.
If you're American and want a German driving license, you'd better be from the right state @WSJexpat http://on.wsj.com/1vigWxC
Top 10 countries for expats in 2015 http://buff.ly/1BblpKL
Both #expats and #Emiratis enjoy #UAE #National #Day celebrations: http://www.thenational.ae/uae/both-expats-and-emiratis-enjoy-uae-national-day-celebrations
How to tell where somebody studied abroad http://bit.ly/1yvxZyq
Tax and American expats. Why I’m Giving Up My Passport http://nyti.ms/1zdLNBl #fatca
HAPPY #Sinterklaas! Here's our ODE to Dutch people! ;) Still need a gift? http://bit.ly/1vTMIU1
Expat in Moscow, Russia
Why You’ll Fail As An Expat http://agirlandhertravels.com/2014/12/05/fail-as-an-expat/
Expat in Phuket, Thailand
Are you a coffee lover? you should try Thai Coffee! here's how. http://crazylittlefamilyadventure.blogspot.com/2014/05/thai-food-traditional-thai-coffee.html #coffee #thailand
Expat in Arizona, USA
Where to find snow in Arizona http://perksandgrumps.com/where-to-find-snow-arizona/
Expat in Tanzania
Our one year anniversary in #DaresSalaam http://ow.ly/FeFng #expatlife #expat
Expat in Vienna, Austria
Our Italian Roadtrip http://austrianadaptation.com/2014/11/26/our-italian-roadtrip/
Expat in Egypt
Gender Inequality in Egypt http://mrsmahmoud.com/2014/10/06/gender-inequality-in-egypt/
Expat in London, UK
Hiking At Land's End, Cornwall http://www.thewanderblogger.com/2014/12/hiking-at-lands-end-cornwall.html
Expat in Bern, Switzerland
Calling all #Expats !!! Let's be honest about being an expat. http://www.chicagotofrance.com/expat-life-lets-thing/ #Switzerland
Expat in Atlanta, GA, USA
#HolidaysAreComing and the Richter house is festive! http://wp.me/p3aIK2-ta #ExpatLife #ExpatChristmas #Expat