Expat Twitter Round-Up: September 16th, 2013

Published 2013-09-16 12:27:16
Background photo created by natanaelginting - www.freepik.com

Twitter bird on globe Expats are a worldly crew, generally knowledgeable about the world around them from local, everyday happenings to major international news. We have collected some of the top tweets of the week for expats, travelers, and those interested in the global pulse.

Expat News

Stop Wasting Your Time Searching For An Expat Job, Emigrate First! - #expat http://bit.ly/13uzxNK

A tongue-in-cheek look at why the UK's new graduates shouldn't move to #Dubai: http://my.telegraph.co.uk/expat/annabelkantaria/10151886/new-graduates-heres-why-you-shouldnt-move-to-dubai/ via @TelegraphNews

Amok Mama: True discrimination in this country http://shar.es/iE8VY

I started life as an expat fully expecting I would duplicate my busy stay-at-home mommy lifestyle - HAH! http://buff.ly/ZftzPw #expat

Look at crime rates and what would happen if you did fall ill! Choosing a New #Expat Country http://t.co/KbW2SseLjz

IT HAPPENED TO ME: I Moved Out Of The Country With My Five... http://jane.io/1ax8djX

Maternity Leave: The U.S. Is Decades Behind - http://www.marginalboundaries.com/2012/06/maternity-leave-the-u-s-is-decades-behind/

A Guide to The Education Programs on Offer in International Schools http://www.expatinfodesk.com/blog/2013/08/29/a-guide-to-the-education-programs-on-offer-in-international-schools/

Unexpected problems – the reasons expat life's not a beach http://fw.to/AGPiCpl

Tweets from our Featured Bloggers

Expat in Doha, Qatar
New post: You'll never please everyone, and other things I learned on returning to the UK this summer http://wp.me/p2vTww-kz #expat #Doha

Expat in Florence, Italy
How to meet people in Florence, Italy - my personal tips as a long-term #expat http://girlinflorence.com/2013/09/06/making-friends-in-florence-italy/ #travel

Expat in Dubai
My all-in-the-last-five-months post http://wp.me/p2Nqt-9S

Expat in brussels, belgium
Brussels Beer Festival - pretty fab way to send out summer...http://wp.me/p3QfaK-1Bh

Expat in Nagpur / Bath
Uncontactable: My Husband is in the Himalayas http://wp.me/p3Pu04-3F

Expat in South Africa
Someone said in order to blog, you need to do - so I tried ear candling and then wrote about it! #scrapingthebarrel http://ow.ly/oO6RS

Expat in New York City
New Girl in New York: South Street Seaport After Sandy http://www.newgirlnewyork.com/2013/09/south-street-seaport-after-sandy.html?spref=tw

Expat in El Dorado Hills, California
Photo Touring: Benziger Winery, Sonoma Valley http://ow.ly/oL3WO #winery #photography

Expat in the UK
Resources I wish I’d known about before moving abroad - Smart Relocation Guide - http://bit.ly/18NvDhp

Expat in Kuwait
9 Images From My Roof http://thewildorchard.com/8-images-from-my-roof/ #Kuwait #Photography #travel

Expat in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Britain vs. America: Portion Sizes #britishfood #americanfood #obesity http://lostinthepond.blogspot.com/2013/09/britain-vs-america-portion-sizes_6.html

Expat in Vienna, Austria
What to do on a weekend in Vienna http://wp.me/p2JqcI-iL

Expat in Wales
If you thought last week's castle visit was awesome, don't miss this one. {Seriously.} http://buff.ly/1eyUYBZ #Wales #Travel #Expat


Expats Radio - www.expatsradio.comYou can now find us also on Expatsradio.com with our weekly programme talking about expat tweets.

Expats radio provides people already living or contemplating moving abroad with information on important issues like finance and law, compiled by their team, experts or the listeners themselves. Regular topics include gardening, cookery, horoscopes and news.


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Expat tweets

Author: texkourgan
Part of the EasyExpat.com adventure since 2008. Drink, Travel, Write

For other discussions, advice, question, point of view, get together, etc...: please use the forum.

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