Expat Twitter Round-Up: August 5th, 2013

Published 2013-08-05 10:07:24
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Twitter bird on globe Expats are a worldly crew, generally knowledgeable about the world around them from local, everyday happenings to major international news. We have collected some of the top tweets of the week for expats, travelers, and those interested in the global pulse.

Expat News

5 Life Skills I Learned While Living As An Expat by Angie Hartley http://www.policymic.com/articles/56273/5-life-skills-i-learned-while-living-as-an-expat

Blogging - Confused on where to start? - #expat http://bit.ly/US234w

Marriage Equality Arrives for U.S. Visas http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2013/08/02/john_kerry_kerry_gay_married_couples_will_be_treated_equally_for_u_s_visas.html

You Know You’re An Expat When... http://wildjunketmagazine.com/you-know-youre-an-expat-when/ by @thetravelmanuel

Six of the most expat-friendly destinations http://huff.to/1dMg2BC

Not equal everywhere - the legal issues #gay couples face when emigrating http://www.telegraph.co.uk/expat/before-you-go/10208977/Not-equal-everywhere-legal-problems-for-gay-couples-who-emigrate.html #expat

What we could all learn from expats http://www.theage.com.au/travel/blogs/the-backpacker/what-we-could-all-learn-from-expats-20130711-2psde.html by @bengroundwater

Eight Things to Know Before Moving to Beirut | The Hairpin http://thehairpin.com/2012/01/eight-things-to-know-before-moving-to-beirut by @MacKenzieALewis

10 Reasons Why You Should NOT Marry a Foreigner (Like I Did) http://s.shr.lc/15rbBdP

Tweets from our Featured Bloggers

Expat in Dubai, UAE
Ramadan in Dubai - What to do to make the most of it http://www.footstepsofawanderer.com/another-ramadan-in-dubai-things-to-do

Expat in Belize
Waging War: http://belizesomething.com/2013/07/31/waging-war/ #expat #Belize #adventure #neveradullmoment

Expat in Dubai
English Breakfast at Hediard Cafe Paris | Dubai http://wp.me/p1oLvG-kb

Expat in Korea
NEW: Why Living in a Big City Rocks!... also, what Korean word my name sounds like! http://www.sauteedhappyfamily.com/2013/07/why-living-in-big-city-rocks.html #travel #TTOT #Korea

Expat in Wales
"So this American girl walks into a British office....." Beginning of a joke? Nope just my life as an #expat. http://buff.ly/141Xyvq

Expat/Traveler currently traveling thru Central America!
Swimming with Whale Sharks in Belize! http://www.escapingabroad.com/blog/swimming-with-whale-sharks/ #travel #lp #ttot

Expat in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Expecting to see the city upon arrival, then realizing that I might never see it, I'm writing a letter. A love... http://fb.me/1y0o4KQWo

Expat in Munich
The Hardest Part of Expat Life http://www.thesojournseries.com/bavaria/thehardestpartofexpatlife/

Expat in Stavanger, Norway
Tackling a heavier topic on the blog today. Ethical Travel - what are your thoughts? http://www.fromtheretoheretheblog.com/2013/07/thoughts-on-ethical-travel.html

Expat in Tokyo, Japan
My summer dancing tanabata in Tokyo! http://penniestoyennies.com/?p=247

Expat in Cape Town, South Africa
My InstaWeek: MORE Fasting, Feasting http://www.southafrikhan.com/2013/07/28/my-instaweek-more-fasting-feasting/

Expat in Doha, Qatar
Our first trip home in a year should be a time to celebrate. But a sudden death has changed all that http://wp.me/p2vTww-jh #expat #Doha

Expat in Suva, Fiji
Are you adventurous or just suffering from FoMO? http://mbfiji.blogspot.com/ #fiji #expat #FOMO

Expat in Valencia, Spain
Not Hemingway's Spain: Becoming Spanish - From Expat to Immigrant http://nothemingwaysspain.blogspot.com/2013/07/becoming-spanish-from-expat-to-immigrant.html?spref=tw

Expat in Belgrade, Serbia
an easy, delicious #watermelon granita #recipe http://wp.me/p2ABaY-al



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Expat tweets

Author: texkourgan
Part of the EasyExpat.com adventure since 2008. Drink, Travel, Write

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