Expat Twitter Round-Up: July 15th, 2013

Published 2013-07-15 12:55:33
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Twitter bird on globeExpats are a worldly crew, generally knowledgeable about the world around them from local, everyday happenings to major international news. We have collected some of the top tweets of the week for expats, travelers, and those interested in the global pulse.

Expat News

Planning #relocation? Here is your checklist! http://ow.ly/mTAaC #expat

Being an Expat in London (VIDEO) http://huff.to/1b4yOqX

Learn how using #lumpsums can control your #relocation spend & make you procurement’s best friend http://goo.gl/GvmCJ #procurement #HR

Expat lives: from Washington to Melbourne - FT.com http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/4f0c5050-e57b-11e2-ad1a-00144feabdc0.html

The Dark Side of the Expat Life http://nyti.ms/ZCo5w4

How to set up your bike for touring this summer | Matador Network http://po.st/3uUC8D

How To Be An Expat : 14 Expats Share Their Stories On The Highs & Lows of Expat Life http://www.feedbacq.com/blog/how-to-become-an-expat/

Ramadan Kareem - your guide to Ramadan in Abu Dhabi-the etiquette, Iftars, Suhours, timings, things to do & more - http://eepurl.com/B9s6L

Why I'm grateful to be British. My Telegraph - Expat: http://my.telegraph.co.uk/expat/annabelkantaria/10151105/why-im-grateful-to-be-british/

Fundamental question for #expats: is it your place to join another country's political protests? @AndyHPMartin: http://ow.ly/mW88q

My Most Memorable Days as an Expat in Uruguay http://huff.to/1b7dhxT

Tweets from our Featured Bloggers

Expat in South Korea
NEW: Being a couple in France VS being a couple in Korea... SPOILER ALERT: it's way different! http://www.sauteedhappyfamily.com/2013/07/being-couple-in-korea-vs-in-france.html

Expat in Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
15 British Sex Words They Don't Use In America #britishenglish https://plus.google.com/108866007323013318220/posts/A43KLcDFxYT

Expat in Seville, Spain
Seville Snapshots: Coruña's Blue Hour http://wp.me/p2ELma-1xC

Expat in San Francisco, California, USA
(Often Ignored) Expat Essentials - Writing a Will http://definingmoves.com/2013/often-ignored-expat-essentials-writing-a-will/

Expat in Bath, England UK
A Compass Rose: A Perfect Sunday in England http://www.bonnieroseblog.co.uk/2013/07/a-perfect-sunday-in-england.html?spref=tw

Expat in Rio de Janeiro
Leave My Flip Flops Alone! http://j.mp/126XA1n

Expat in the Netherlands
A Very Special Friday with a Homeschooling Mom -- http://www.europeanmama.eu/2013/07/a-very-special-friday-with.html

Expat in Florence, Italy
What I always miss when I leave Florence: http://wp.me/p1hmjf-1bc

Expat in London
Britishette: London summer fun http://www.britishette.com/2013/07/london-summer-fun.html?spref=tw

Expat in Southern California
What I was afraid would happen, happened. I was misunderstood in my last post. I explained myself in the comments. http://www.verilymerrilymary.com/2013/07/why-do-they-always-make-it-about-race.html

Expat in South Korea
Got a Question? http://lostintravelsblog.blogspot.kr/2013/07/got-question.html

Expat in the Netherlands
So You're Gonna Be On TV... House Hunters International Debut! http://thethreeunder.com/2013/07/house-hunters-international/

Expat in Sydney
New Post: Ever been a lucky traveller? http://wp.me/p2WxMY-7w #ttot #travel #newzealand #sydney

Expat in Wales
Are you an #expat feeling a bit homesick the 4th of July holiday? Here are some ways I tackle it in #vlog format! http://buff.ly/1cVhv8b

Expat in South Africa
are you an #expat? do you travel a lot? here are my top 7 tips to save money when visiting http://www.chickenruby.com/2013/07/top-7-tips-to-saving-money-as-expat.html

Expat in Basque Country, Spain
Why Expat Life Isn't Exactly An Extended Vacation http://tinyurl.com/mf9489d #Blog #ExpatLife


Expats Radio - www.expatsradio.comYou can now find us also on Expatsradio.com with our weekly programme talking about expat tweets.

Expats radio provides people already living or contemplating moving abroad with information on important issues like finance and law, compiled by their team, experts or the listeners themselves. Regular topics include gardening, cookery, horoscopes and news.


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Expat tweets

Author: texkourgan
Part of the EasyExpat.com adventure since 2008. Drink, Travel, Write

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