Expat Twitter Round-Up: May 28th, 2013

Published 2013-05-28 10:07:15
Background photo created by natanaelginting - www.freepik.com

Twitter bird on globe Expats are a worldly crew, generally knowledgeable about the world around them from local, everyday happenings to major international news. We have collected some of the top tweets of the week for expats, travelers, and those interested in the global pulse.

Expat News

Big Rent Increases for Expat Housing http://on.wsj.com/189ijs5

Expat lives: Los Angeles to Ramallah http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/8feb56ce-be17-11e2-9b27-00144feab7de.html

10 Tips for Packing it Yourself - Your Expat Child http://buff.ly/10AjZX3 #relocation

Are you heading abroad for your #career? What's the life of an #expat like? This graphic novel is an interesting take http://ow.ly/iPetw

Love this girl for getting out in the world! How living abroad increased my confidence beyond my wildest dreams: http://bit.ly/MbOTLg

Read about why my first big trip abroad since cancer took an unexpected turn. My latest #LifeInterrupted column: http://nyti.ms/14t6OXM

Life After Teaching Abroad: 5 Ways to Transition http://ow.ly/2x1Hrs

Syria's People Are Becoming the Largest Group of #Refugees in the World http://ow.ly/loSLs #Syria

[Most Read News on IamExpat last week] The #Netherlands is one of Europe's most #gay friendly nations http://ow.ly/llWwu @EURightsAgency 

*NEW* Reflections On Eight Years Abroad http://su.pr/1p5Bie #travel #expat

Thriving Versus Surviving: The Expat Lifestyle http://tinyurl.com/9rx9pd6 #travel #ttot #expat #lp #rtw #culture

Germany most popular country in the world http://bbc.in/10UqkcX

Taxation without representation - should #expats have the right to vote in #NYC? By @sophiejpitman http://my.telegraph.co.uk/expat/sophiepitman/10150478/should-non-citizens-have-the-right-to-vote-in-new-york/

How to live a life of travel http://ytravelblog.com/WpEa #travel #NGTradar #expat #ttot #lp

Tweets from our Featured Bloggers

Future Expat currently in the UK
Trying to be #patient waiting for my #visa to be finished but finding it hard. Support needed. #expatproblems #expat http://wp.me/p3qhUn-8o

Expat in France
Having a Baby Abroad – Global Differences Series: #dubai #expat http://bit.ly/19eA6Nq

Expat in Germany
A symptom of moving a lot/living in a foreign country. Forgetting those all important numbers. #expat http://t.co/YSm4sb5AZ4

Expat in Mumbai
A new post on my blog : The news in India - As understood by me... http://www.indiandacoit.com/archive/2013/05/22/indian-in-the-news-as-understood-by-me.html

Expat in Slovakia
Open Cellars in the World #Slovakia http://robinsgreatadventure.blogspot.com/2013/05/otvorene-pivnice-nasv-urbana-open.html

Expat in South India
Why do Indian mothers feed their children by HAND till they're five years old? http://bit.ly/119iTxg #IndianParenting

Expat in Oslo, Norway
My #American view of #eurovisionsongcontest from #norway http://oslostinspace.blogspot.no/2013/05/eurovision-and-sunshine.html

Expat in Pretoria, South Africa
are you an #expat? do you say things and wonder why people don't understand you? http://www.chickenruby.com/2013/05/we-all-speak-english-but-what-happens.html

Expat in Bangkok, Thailand
NEW blog entry: Arriving in Bangkok, Thailand http://wp.me/p1aRW7

Expat in Nicaragua
Morning Alms in Luang Prabang, Laos (Tak Bat) http://wp.me/p3k1Cv-9o

Expat in Ghana
School report - part 2 http://wp.me/p2e98L-iL

Expat in Melbourne, Australia
New blog entry! Of Hobbits and Immigration Officers http://goo.gl/YUa3u #Australia


Expats Radio - www.expatsradio.comYou can now find us also on Expatsradio.com with our weekly programme talking about expat tweets.

Expats radio provides people already living or contemplating moving abroad with information on important issues like finance and law, compiled by their team, experts or the listeners themselves. Regular topics include gardening, cookery, horoscopes and news.


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Expat tweets

Author: texkourgan
Part of the EasyExpat.com adventure since 2008. Drink, Travel, Write

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