Expat Twitter Round-Up: February 11th, 2013

Published 2013-02-11 12:32:48
Background photo created by natanaelginting - www.freepik.com

Twitter bird on globeExpats are a worldly crew, generally knowledgeable about the world around them from local, everyday happenings to major international news. We have collected some of the top tweets of the week for expats, travelers, and those interested in the global pulse.

Expat News

The Intriguing Passports of 20 Famous Artists and Writers: http://www.flavorwire.com/368476/the-intriguing-passports-of-20-famous-artists-and-writers

Why We Choose to Unschool | The Expat Experiment http://t.co/eFbVdaWW #education #unschool

Things to Know if You Plan on Working Abroad http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/design/working-abroad/

I Had Surgery In A Public Hospital In Madagascar When My Fallopian Tube Exploded... http://jane.io/WVId9c

Check out: Tips For Flying Cheaper In 2013 http://aol.it/VFAj8O

Expats do it better - Life & Style http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/expats-do-it-better-8481165.html

Will expatriation become illegal? http://www.sovereignman.com/expat/will-expatriation-become-illegal-10730/

Women Can and Should Travel Alone http://jezebel.com/5981898/women-can-and-should-travel-alone

Girls Lead in Science Exam, but Not in the United States http://nyti.ms/UoNta5

Tweets from our Featured Bloggers

Re-pat in Sydney, Australia
A New Chapter: Heading Home to Reconnect with Myself http://wp.me/pKezo-14T

Expat in Andalucía, Spain
Applying to to the Auxiliares Program: How to Apply to be a Language Assistant in Spain http://sunshineandsiestas.com/2013/02/01/applying-to-to-the-auxiliares-program-how-to-apply-to-be-a-language-assistant-in-spain/

Expat in Somewhere below the Equator
Getting ready for #Carnaval: Making #food from #Brazil! http://t.co/HLYLZzAt #feijoada

Expat in Logroño, Spain
See what made the list, My 10 Favorite Underrated Cities in Spain - http://t.co/89yGf73T

Expat in Dubai
{sandCat} A few items from the newspaper for the coming year. Be great if they all come to pass. http://catinthedunes.com/2013/01/in-store-for-the-uae-in-2013.html

Expat in Madrid, Spain
*New post* My favorite spots for tortilla in #Madrid http://www.latortugaviajera.com/2013/01/lets-talk-tortilla/ #food

Expat in Sydney, Australia
*NEW POST* More Than A Love Of The Raw Prawn | In Search of a Life Less Ordinary http://t.co/NOxvfPAR #expat #sydney #travel #culture #beach

Expat in UAE
The predatory woman http://dubaiunveiled.wordpress.com

Expat in Geneva, Switzerland
Choose the right school in #geneva #expat #switzerland #expatkids http://www.genevafamilydiaries.net/expat-life/schools-geneva/

Expat in Melbourne, Australia
New blog entry! Things I Do More in #Melbourne http://goo.gl/8hL9b #Australia

Expat in Madrid, Spain
If you travel to #Rome, don't miss this pizzeria http://t.co/3NLIoKeQ #travel #ttot

Expat in San Salvador, El Salvador
The Pros & Cons of Being a Working EFM http://lavieoverseas.com/?p=2280

Expat in Netherlands
Our colorful weekend during Carnaval (new photo post): http://t.co/2D5DnwYX #expat #carnavalinthenetherlands

Expat in Japan
When You're Suddenly Forced Out... http://www.survivingnjapan.com/2013/01/when-youre-suddenly-forced-out.html

Expat in Oss, Netherlands
Take a trip to #Brussels with DannyZ http://padutches.blogspot.nl/p/31-hours-in-brussels.html

Expat in Mompos and Bogota, Colombia
Bogota, a City of Forgotten Histories http://j.mp/11zwVxS

Expat in Munich, Germany
How Making Friends is Like Dating http://t.co/M8gRaXuH #expat #friendship


Expats Radio - www.expatsradio.comYou can now find us also on Expatsradio.com with our weekly programme talking about expat tweets.

Expats radio provides people already living or contemplating moving abroad with information on important issues like finance and law, compiled by their team, experts or the listeners themselves. Regular topics include gardening, cookery, horoscopes and news.


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Expat tweets

Author: texkourgan
Part of the EasyExpat.com adventure since 2008. Drink, Travel, Write

For other discussions, advice, question, point of view, get together, etc...: please use the forum.

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