Expat Twitter Round-Up: 28th November 2011

Published 2011-11-28 11:25:37
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Twitter bird on globeExpats are a worldly crew, generally knowledgeable about the world around them from everyday happenings to major international news. We decided to collect some of the top tweets of the week for expats, travelers, and those interested in the global pulse.

Expat News

Voting Starts In Egypt's Landmark Elections n.pr/tygANO

Vienna Christmas Markets 2011 : InspiringTravellers.com - Travel the World inspiringtravellers.com/2011/11/27/vie... #travel #austria

World's Best Cities for Bargain Shopping bit.ly/tMTxAp #travel #frommers #blackfriday

Advice For Traveling Abroad--Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone and Staying There - ow.ly/7n6o8

Here's a few ways your turkey dinner could have killed you | ti.me/saOP7L (via @Healthland)

The death of a parent is #expats' darkest fear fb.me/srKnDIqb

Top 10 Reasons Your Children Aren't Speaking Your Language: http://t.co/hzY8KciT #bilingual #expat #parenting #family

Comparing Christmas customs and traditions in the United States and Germany (Deutschland): bit.ly/w2O4fj

Tweets from our Featured Bloggers

Expat in Johannesburg, South Africa
We Need Mexicans to Get on Boats nblo.gs/qu2Lc

Expat in Kathmandu, Nepal
The Kathmanduo wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving! See how our KTM celebration differs from Chicago's: bit.ly/s3VLQO

Expat in Germany
POST: Residential Neighbourhood in Valencia tinyurl.com/8abhn5m #travel #lp #spain

Expat in Delhi, India
Watching @Nigella_Lawson cooking shows in Delhi is torturous. Funny how they blur out the beef though.

Expat in Geneva, Switzerland
How to give thanks in Japanese su.pr/1UdBz1

Expat in Lund, Sweden
A Very #Expat Thanksgiving blogs.sweden.se/expat/2011/11/... via @swedense

Expat in Cuenca, Ecuador
Schooling Your Expat Kids bit.ly/jaXP9z #travel

Expat in Frankfurt/Cologne, Germany
My favorite question from Germans this time of year: "But don't u have Christmas markets in the U.S.?" Ha ha ha! Ha hahaha ha ha!!

Expat in Sydney, Australia
I'm turning into a bit of a mongrel. Well, my use of the English language is. Longer I'm away, the worse it gets insearchofalifelessordinary.com/2011/11/lesson... #expat

Expat in Toyko, Japan
Five Things I've Learned About Myself Living In Japan locoinyokohama.com/2011/10/27/fiv...

Expat in Seoul & Reunion Island
Cosmic Landscape #Reunion #Island - entry in National Geographic's 2011 #photo contest on.natgeo.com/sbKH6Q #lareunion #tw974




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Expat tweets

Author: texkourgan
Part of the EasyExpat.com adventure since 2008. Drink, Travel, Write

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