Expat Twitter Round-Up: 3rd October 2011

Published 2011-10-03 11:07:53
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Twitter bird on globeExpats are a worldly crew, generally knowledgeable about the world around them from everyday happenings to major international news. We decided to collect some of the top tweets of the week for expats, travelers, and those interested in the global pulse.

Expat News

(New post) Life's biggest illusion and how to avoid it - Expat Life Coach expatlifecoach.com/expat-30/life-

If You Were In My Shoes... bit.ly/q89Szt

Behind the Scenes at #Frankfurt Airport - Lufthansa Hangar Tour http://ht.ly/6Igku #travel #LP #ttot

Just in case I sounded too moany last few weeks, here are the upsides of relocation! tinyurl.com/6xohe37

Teaching Children to Read and Write in More Than One Orthography: Tips for Parents: http://t.co/nPCZojIu #bilingual #ellchat #edchat #expat

#Airports of the World by Region and Country! ow.ly/6G0Vb #flying #airlines #travel #traveltips #TT #TTOT

Growing up abroad & bilingual Do you have tips? Experience? Here's my story..http://t.co/HyoLp2Iq #parenting #expat #language #TCKs

#Expat #Women #Writers... Got some stories for us please? bit.ly/g2Izd0

12 ways technology breaks down barriers for travelers http://bit.ly/oKRedi, learn more #IntelEMP

Tweets from our Featured Bloggers

Expat in the Netherlands
The Eurozone Crisis from a Dutch Perspective nblo.gs/nMZim

Expat in China
Interactive #Expat: Zap That Culture Shock! Basics #Travel #Tips http://interactiveexpat.blogspot...

Expat in India
Good Thing We're Homeschooling bit.ly/o8RTri

Expat in Shanghai
Why, No, Red-Black is Not My Natural Hair Colour: How to Try to Look Half Decent in China nblo.gs/ntECj

Expat in Japan
My latest blog post: Blacks in Japan: Haircare Tips whoa-im-in-japan.com/2011/09/blacks...

Expat in Cuba
Cuban Blockade: Cruel & Unusual nblo.gs/nCTYA

Expat in the Netherlands
How not to be a tourist: http://hntbat.com/ Amsterdam version of this is absolutely needed!




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Expat tweets

Author: texkourgan
Part of the EasyExpat.com adventure since 2008. Drink, Travel, Write

For other discussions, advice, question, point of view, get together, etc...: please use the forum.

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