summer job in Andorra

summer job


Telephone: 696313

16 carrer parc guillemo - Andorra

Location: Andorra

Sector: Tourism, Hotel, Guides

Job search (short statement...):
Hi, my name is Daphne Weissfloch, I am looking for a summer job for the month of August. I am currently studying international business. I am looking for a job in the hospitality department or tourism.

Worked at a university open day.
Worked as a coordinator.
Worked as a technician.

I am getting my undergraduates degree in international business administration. But I have a Spanish high school diploma in sciences.

English, French and Spanish fluent. I can understand Catalan and Dutch.

CV attached: CV_8778
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Daphne Weissfloch


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 Tourism, Hotel, Guides

Daphne Weissfloch
summer job

Hi, my name is Daphne Weissfloch, I am looking for a summer job for the month of August. I am currently (...)

Tourism, Hotel, Guides: Andorra
Search for Candidates

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