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 At Work

Unemployment Benefits

Unemployment in Scotland Rate is around 8.1 percent, just above the UK average unemployment rate of 8 percent.

Unemployment in Edinburgh is very low at 3.6 percent. The city has the fastest rate of permanent appointment growth.


The unemployed can claim benefits through DirectGov and Job Centre Plus. Find the nearest office by JobCenter Locator.

The unemployed can apply for a Jobseeker's Allowance and other benefits. Estimates of the benefit can be calculated using the benefit calculator

There are two types of Jobseeker's Allowance:
Contribution-based: If you have paid enough National Insurance contributions (NICs) you are eligible for this form. Jobcentre Plus can pay this for up to 182 days. Generally, self-employed contributions will not help you qualify for contribution-based Jobseeker's Allowance.
The maximum weekly rate is 65.45 GBP for people aged 25 and over (16 - 24 year old's receive 51.85 GBP).
Income-based: This Jobseeker's Allowance is based on your income and savings. You may get this if you have not paid enough NICs (or you've only paid contributions for self-employment) and you're on a low income.
The maximum weekly rate for
Single people, aged under 25 - 51.85 GBP Single people, aged 25 or over - 65.45 GBP Couples and civil partnerships (both aged 18 or over) - 102.75 GBP Lone parent (aged under 18) - 51.85 GBP Lone parent (aged 18 or over) - 65.45 GBP

Who is Eligible?

How to Claim a Benefit

Those claiming a Jobseeker's Allowance first need to attend an interview at the Jobcentre. An advisor meets with the applicant and discusses aid such as :

To keep receiving benefits, the unemployed needs to attend regular job search reviews (about every two weeks). Reviews are extended after 13 weeks of receiving benefits. After six months receiving benefits, a "restart interview" with a personal adviser is required.

After returning to work, people will continue to receive benefits for a transition period.


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